1.NPR 2008-10-11
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced today the administration will move ahead with a plan to buy up stock in financial institutions. The treasur...
2.NPR 2008-10-10
Stock prices fell sharply in the final half hour of trading today because of continued fears about the banking and auto industries. The Dow Jones Indu...
3.NPR 2008-10-09
Global financial markets remain severely strained according to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson who said it underscores the need for fast action on th...
4.NPR 2008-10-08
If you received a quarterly statement from your retirement fund over the past few days, chances are it showed large losses. And testifying today on Ca...
5.NPR 2008-10-07
Stock prices plunged again in the United States, taking a lead from overseas markets today. The Dow Jones Industrial Average finished below 10,000 for...
6.NPR 2008-10-06
The latest financial bailout comes not in the US but in Germany where government officials and private banks have agreed on a 69-billion-dollar deal t...
7.NPR 2008-10-05
European leaders are pledging to do all they can to curtail the credit crisis that is spreading globally from the US. The announcement came after a me...
8.NPR 2008-10-04
The House passed a reworked version of the government's financial bailout plan early this afternoon. Speaking outside the White House today, President...
9.NPR 2008-10-03
Alaskans are heading home early from work tonight to catch the vice presidential debates set to begin in about two hours from now. Sarah Palin's nomin...
10.NPR 2008-10-02
Senate lawmakers are moving toward a vote tonight on a revised 700-billion-dollar financial rescue plan, though from the floor debate it's clear there...