1.伴随小米6上市 雷军表态大力拓展线下销售
Chinese smartphone vendor Xiaomi Corp, best-known for its online sales strategy, said last Wednesday that it aims to generate 70 billion yuan (10.2 bi...
Four drones flown illegally over Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport in Sichuan last Friday forced a total of 58 flights to land at alternative ai...
3.带你重温童年的记忆 《新成龙历险记》即将播出
It is an issue that bothers most celebrities-how to stay young forever on the silver screen. 这是一个困扰着许多明星的问题--即怎样在银幕上永葆年轻。 A...
4.与阿里巴巴合作 杭州将建全球首个无现金机场
Hangzhou International Airport plans to become the world's first cashless airport by applying cutting-edge digital technologies to its services and wi...
5.卖房送女儿留学 她却嫁给老外不回来!
A 61-year-old father who said sending his daughter to study abroad in the United States was the worst decision of his life is making the rounds on Chi...
6.文档公开 苹果自动驾驶系统曝光!
Apple has been granted a permit to test self-driving cars by the California Department of Motor Vehicles but the company has never said anything about...
China boasts a total of 7.566 million square kilometers of vegetation cover, while buildings cover 153,000 sq km of land, the State Council Informatio...
8.环保部透露 去年全国空气质量总体改善
Minister of Environmental Protection Chen Jining last Monday said that Chinese cities reported more good air days in 2016. 环保部部长陈吉宁上周一表示...
Baidu Inc announced a new project - Apollo - to open up its autonomous driving platform to its partners, a move to promote the development of self-dri...
10.史诗巨制《建军大业》今夏上映 青年演员担当重任
To celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of Chinese People's Liberation Army, an upcoming epic on the silver screen aims to relive the early ...