1.调查显示 近半数学生遭受过校园欺凌
Younger students experience school bullying more frequently than older ones, and male students are bullied more than their female peers, a survey foun...
These two pictures illustrate the extraordinary way that women's bodies have changed in the last 60 years. 上面两幅图显示了近60年来女性身材发生了惊人...
3.德国成功测试氢动力火车 环保零排放
Imagine a nearly silent train that glides along its tracks emitting nothing more toxic than water. 想象一下,一辆火车消无声息地沿着铁轨运行,排放物中...
Australia will introduce stricter visa requirements for skilled workers from overseas, the government said. 澳大利亚政府称,将出台更严格的海外技术劳工...
5.买美国货 雇美国人的弊端
Apart from free trade, there can be few issues on which public opinion and the views of economists differ more than on forcing companies and the publi...
A cab company in one of Japans major cities is trialling a new feature by introducing silent taxi drivers. 日本某大城市的一家出租车公司推出沉默司机试...
Chinese tycoon Wang Jianlin is not accustomed to setbacks least of all those dealt by his own government. 中国商业巨子王健林还不习惯遭遇挫折,尤其是中...
China has scrapped a restriction on cross-border capital movement imposed in January, in what is believed to be the first concrete move to loosen capi...
Baidu, Chinas largest search group, has launched an attempt to become the Android of the automotive world by sharing its self-driving technology. 中国...
10.共享单车儿童座椅网上热销 出事究竟谁担责?
The ongoing bike-sharing boom in China has led detachable front-mounted child bicycle seat to become a bestseller online, raising safety and legal con...