1.爆笑! C罗奇葩铜像遭全民吐槽!
It was supposed to be an honour befitting of an example of excellence, the four-time footballer of the year who led Portugal to victory in last year's...
China has said that it wants 80% of its citizens to speak Mandarin, the country's dominant dialect, by 2020. 中国政府于日前表示,希望在2020年前让80%的...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released data about the world's holdings of the Chinese currency, the renminbi, denominated foreign exchange res...
4.BAT三巨头IT领袖峰会齐聚首 畅谈人工智能
Executives at Chinese Internet giants, including Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent, are focusing on the development of artificial intelligence and believe th...
5.我国首列市域动车组下线 最高时速可达140公里
China's very first high-speed commuter train officially came off the production line of China Railway Rolling Stock Corp Qingdao Sifang Co. 我国首列市...
6.史上无双! 威少收获赛季第42次三双 打破历史记录
Oklahoma City Thunder superstar Russell Westbrook broke Oscar Robertson's record for triple-doubles in a season in spectacular fashion. 俄克拉荷马雷霆...
7.北京外国语大学增11个小语种专业 旨在服务'一带一路'建设
Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) will add 11 language courses, mostly African and Oceanianic tongues, to boost talent support for the country...
8.韩国货船在南大西洋失踪 22名船员下落不明
A huge South Korean cargo ship which had 24 people on board has gone missing in the South Atlantic. 一艘载有24人的韩国巨型货轮日前在南大西洋失踪。 Two...
9.畅玩手游《王者荣耀》被批歪曲历史 引发群众热议
A popular Chinese mobile game, King of Glory, has come under fire for allegedly promoting an inaccurate representation of ancient Chinese history. 近...
10.楼市调控持续发力 福州杭州厦门等地再出新政
Three major cities in East China - Hangzhou, Xiamen and Fuzhou - have further tightened housing purchase restrictions in the latest bid to rein in ris...