He may be younger than their children but one of Britain's brainiest children has been hired by a university to help adults with their sums. 最近英国...
Ivanka Trump, daughter of US President Donald Trump, has been given her own West Wing office, confirming her position as a key member of her father's ...
China has promised to improve the quality of service on its high-speed rail network after a decision was made to adjust ticket prices in the country's...
4.大写的尴尬! 巴黎洛杉矶拒绝分奥运主办权!
Paris 2024 Olympic bid directors rejected the notion of hosting the 2028 Games, saying their target was the 2024 edition, reflecting the position of r...
A bus company in eastern China has paid its drivers using small change in order to avoid taking a huge stockpile of coins to the bank. 为了避免带着大...
6.亚投行批准香港等13个新成员加入 成员扩至70个
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) announced last Thursday that its Board of Governors has adopted resolutions approving 13 applicants to...
7.第八届中国电影金扫帚奖于京举办 郑来志现身领奖
The Golden Broom Awards, which awards the worst Chinese films of the year, were held in Beijing last Sunday. 中国电影金扫帚奖(为年度最差影片颁发的奖...
Beijing announced that public hospitals will end markups on drug prices to separate medical treatment and drug sales, and to lower costs to patients. ...
9.2017年全球最佳机场出炉 新加坡樟宜机场五连霸
In news that should come as little surprise to global air travelers, Singapore's done it again. 这条新闻可能对经常坐飞机环球旅行的旅客们并不稀奇,新加...
10.Uber管理层再生动荡 总裁杰夫·琼斯离职
Uber president Jeff Jones is leaving the company after less than six months. 工作还未满6个月的Uber总裁杰夫琼斯将要离开这家公司了。 A source at the tax...