1.为英国女王驾崩做准备 王室设定'伦敦桥已倒'暗号
The day that the Queen dies will see a nation in mourning. But the plan for what will happen afterwards has already been meticulously laid out. 女王驾...
2.日本公司提供假朋友 让你在社交网络'有面子'
Want to brag about your active social life on Facebook, when you really have no friends? Trying to make your ex jealous by posing with an attractive n...
3.北京等四座城市出台楼市新政 有利于防范炒房现象
The housing curbs by Beijing and three other major cities are part of the larger effort to rein in China's real estate industry where home prices tend...
4.华东交大靖安校区酷似皇宫 刷爆网络
Recently, the Jing'an campus of the Institute of Technology of East China Jiaotong University in Jiangxi province went viral online due to its traditi...
5.里皮称国足会继续提高 保留进军世界杯的梦想
Italian head coach Marcello Lippi believed that China can improve to keep alive the hope to qualify for 2018 World Cup after Team Dragon clinched a 1-...
6.英小学禁止家长在校门口使用手机 请用微笑迎接你的孩子
A primary school in the UK has put up signs to warn phone-obsessed parents to greet their children with a smile at the end of the day rather than star...
All 3,400 passengers decided to collectively protest the installation of the THAAD missile defense system by not setting foot on the South Korean reso...
8.调查显示 超七成网友认为现金渐成非必需品
More than 70% of Chinese internet users said carrying cash is not a necessity of life any more, as payment methods such as QR code scanning, China Uni...
9.上海出台共享单车条例草案 12岁以下少年禁止使用
Shared bikes must be scrapped after three years of use and have a GPS positioning function, and children under the age of 12 will be banned from using...
Hollywood star Angelina Jolie has been praised by students following her first appearance as a lecturer. 好莱坞巨星安吉丽娜朱莉第一次以讲师的身份亮相...