1.农业部回应热点 未批任何转基因粮食作物商业种植
China hasn't approved any planting of genetically modified organism (GMO) grains, Agricultural Minister Han Changfu said at a news conference on the s...
2.最新报告显示 我国女性高管人数正在不断增加
Women are making significant progress in the workplace in China, according to a new report. 根据一份最新报告显示,中国女性在职场取得了显著的进步。 In ...
3.中国十亿美元富豪达568人 北京成世界富豪之都
Beijing is listed as the billionaire capital of the world for the second year running, ahead of New York, which is followed by Hong Kong and Shenzhen,...
4.传闻iPhone8将配置5.8英寸屏幕 价格历史最高
A new report has revealed that Apple plans to launch three handsets this year - two will be updates of the iPhone 7 family and the third is the 10th-a...
5.上海试点职工托幼服务 化解二胎妈妈'后顾之忧'
Shanghai has launched pilot childcare services in a number of workplaces to encourage more families to have a second child, local authorities said las...
WikiLeaks last Tuesday released thousands of documents that it said revealed the secret tools the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has used to hac...
7.统计数据显示 我国2月份CPI同比涨幅回落至0.8%
China's consumer price index (CPI) grew 0.8% year on year in February, according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) Thursday....
Rockets: 1 of 3 teams this season with wins over the Cavaliers, Warriors and Spurs (others are Bulls and Grizzlies) 火箭队成为本赛季第三支战胜骑士、勇...
9.特朗普卷土重来再签新的旅行禁令 伊拉克被豁免
US President Donald Trump signed a new executive order last Monday that bans immigration from six Muslim-majority countries, excluding Iraq from the l...
A CPPCC member denounced on March 6 a proposal to remove English from China's college entrance exam, stressing the benefits of studying English for st...