1. Two Florida highway patrol vehicles have been seen entering Tiger Woods' gated-community. Police want to talk to the golfer about what happened ear...
A lot of people are talking about what happened to Tiger Woods in the early morning hours of Friday around 2:30 am. Police found him lying in the stre...
1.Black Friday has arrived with shoppers across the country up thoroughly this morning in search of holiday bargains. With the economy still strugglin...
At the White House today, President Obama continued a Thanksgiving tradition. He ensured that a 45-pound gobbler named Courage presented to him by the...
1.President Barack Obama says he is confident the American people will support the path he choices in Afghanistan. Once he explains it--that opportuni...
1. At the White House, one last strategy session is on the schedule before President Barack Obama announces his decision on what to do in Afghanistan,...
The five men facing trial in New York for their alleged role in the 9/11 terror attacks all will plead not guilty. The Lawyer for one of the men says ...
I just wanted to take this opportunity to report some good news. At 11:04 last night, Abigail Mae Bresnik joined the NASA family, and mama and baby ar...
1. Health care reform is getting a serious test in Congress. Senators have been debating whether or not to move ahead on reform legislation. Democrats...
1.A key test vote on health care reform is set over the Senate tomorrow night, democrats need all 60 votes in their contents to prevent a filibuster. ...