1.礼节美语 Business Etiquette 268 You Are What You Wear 2
Cathy 跟同事Adam 正在讨论,一个人的穿着是否会对他的精神状态产生影响。Adam 说, A: Have you ever heard the saying, clothes make the man? It might be tr...
2.礼节美语 Business Etiquette 267 You Are What You Wear 1
Cathy 早上上班见到同事 Adam. Cathy: Hi, Adam, nice tie. Adam: Thanks. C: By the way, can I ask you a personal question? A: Ask away! C: How come you'r...
3.礼节美语 Business Etiquette 266 losing a job can be positive 2
Mickey刚失业,跟朋友Suzanne 一起吃饭,Suzanne 劝他说,这未必不是件好事。她说, S: Back at my old job there were some days where I barely used my brain...
4.礼节美语 Business Etiquette 265 losing a job can be positive 1
Suzanne 约朋友 Mickey 一起吃午饭。 Suzanne: Mickey! Good to see you! It's been too long! Mickey: Hi, Suzanne! you're right, it has been too long. S: D...
5.礼节美语 Business Etiquette 264 Anti-smoking campaigns 2
Marissa 和同事 Hank 正在讨论吸烟的问题。Hank 说,有不少研究都发现,涨价确实能起到一定的抑制作用,促使一部分人戒烟。Marissa 说, M: I see. The high pri...
6.礼节美语 Business Etiquette 263 Anti-smoking campaigns 1
Marissa 早上一到办公室,就开始跟同事 Hank 发牢骚。 Marissa: I hate walking into our building in the morning! - All the smokers stand around the buildi...
7.礼节美语 Business Etiquette 262 Fear of Flying 2
Sean 有飞行恐惧症,可他偏偏又是国际销售代表,需要经常旅行。同事 Mimi 开玩笑说,他可真是选错了职业。Mimi 说, M: You certainly picked the wrong profess...
8.礼节美语 Business Etiquette 261 Fear of Flying 1
Sean 在走廊上遇到同事 Mimi, 他一副忧心忡忡的样子。我们听听为什么。 Sean: Oh, man....I am not looking forward to this upcoming trip to Europe. Mimi: Bu...
9.礼节美语 Business Etiquette 260 Bullet Trains 2
Lewis要去美国芝加哥出差,想坐高铁去洛杉矶看家人,但同事Jay告诉他说,美国没有高铁,原因之一是坐飞机十分方便。 Lewis: So there's been no incentive to bu...
10.礼节美语 Business Etiquette 259 Bullet Trains 1
Lewis 在走廊上遇到同事 Jay. Lewis: Hi, Jay! J: Hi, Lewis. Are you ready for your big trip to Chicago? L: Oh, yeah! I'm gonna nail the presentation. J:...