1.CNN 2010-03-31
The ink is dry, the pens are down, the gloves are off. And Jill Dougherty is filling us in on where health care reform goes next. And remember the gov...
2.CNN 2010-03-30
Drug- related violence has gotten so bad that the Mexican border town of Juarez is now one of the most dangerous places in the world to live and die.C...
3.CNN 2010-03-29
PHILLIPS: Immediately after the President signs the bill this morning, insurance companies will have to cover children with preexisting conditions. Th...
4.CNN 2010-03-28
Health care reform enters a new era in about two hours. President Obama is scheduled to sign that bill into law. Then, he is going to travel around th...
5.CNN 2010-03-27
PHILLIPS: Well, it's spring break at Cornell University and you'd think that students would be celebrating. Their basketball team's unlikely birth in ...
6.CNN 2010-03-26
PHILLIPS: It's the most sweeping health care overhaul in decades. So, what's in the bill and what's in it for you? It will make coverage available to ...
7.CNN 2010-03-25
PHILLIPS: OK, I think you are going to agree with me that there is a basement apartment in hell for these guys if they are caught and convicted, of co...
8.CNN 2010-03-24
Well that's a pressure cooker of a day on Capitol Hill as we wait and wonder how this vote for healthcare plays out, the final vote is expected Sunday...
9.CNN 2010-03-23
So let's say health care reform passes. And you're one of the millions of Americans needing insurance. Think you'll be covered immediately? Well, thin...
10.CNN 2010-03-22
ALLAN CHERNOFF, CNN SENIOR CORRESPONDENT: Fredricka, I'm at the Cornerstone Schools here in Detroit. There are actually three of these institutions wi...