1.AP 2010-07-31
1. It's official: BP CEO Tony Hayward will step down as about October 1st. He will be succeeded by American Bob Dudley a first for BP. Meantime, the o...
2.AP 2010-07-30
1. The White House says the release of 91,000 secret military documents is a breach of federal law and a potential threat to US military personnel. Wh...
3.AP 2010-07-29
1. A senior US government official says BP Chief Executive Tony Hayward is being replaced. Hayward made several gaffes, most notably wishing to have h...
4.AP 2010-07-28
1. Ships are heading back to resume work on the leaking oil well in the Gulf after the remnants of Tropical Storm Bonnie have breezed past. Dozens of ...
5.AP 2010-07-27
1. President Barack Obama has apologized to former agriculture employee Shirley Sherrod over her ouster amid racially-tinged firestorm. The White Hous...
6.AP 2010-07-26
1. The former Department of Agriculture employee fired for her remarks about race may have a new job. Shirley Sherrod says Agriculture Secretary Tom V...
7.AP 2010-07-25
1. The nomination of Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court clears a Senate Committee by a vote of 13:6, with only one Republican supporting her. Now, the ...
8.AP 2010-07-24
1. Senate Democrats are expected to clear a procedural hurdle today in their latest bid to pass an extension of jobless benefits. Democrats are expect...
9.AP 2010-07-23
1. Senate Republicans are firing back at the latest criticism from President Barack Obama. He's accusing them of standing in the way of extended unemp...
10.AP 2010-07-22
1. An administration official says testing will continue as BP and the government disagree over whether the new cap on the well should be removed. BP ...