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1.美语听力 English Café 482
Topics: American Authors-Willa Cather; the basics of hockey; oblivious versus forgetfulness; carnivore versus predator; equal versus identical Words: ...
2.美语听力 English Café 481
Topics:-The Three Mile Island Accident; Famous Buildings: Chrysler Building; quarrel versus argument versus controversy; concerned versus worried; amo...
3.美语听力 English Café 480
Topics: American Musicals/Movies-The Sound of Music; Public Housing and The Projects; to soak versus to immerse versus to dip versus to pickle; so-cal...
4.美语听力 English Café 479
Topics: American Presidents-James K. Polk; beach versus shore versus coast; concept versus conception Words: to make up for tutor charismatic confidan...
5.美语听力 English Café 478
Topics: Famous Musicals-All That Jazz; Winter Carnivals; irony and metaphor; pronouncing routed and data; hopefully Words: choreographer production hi...
6.美语听力 English Café 477
Topics: The American Indian Movement of the 1970s; Famous Buildings-The Sears Tower; inception versus conception versus to beget; to get back; cash on...
7.美语听力 English Café 476
Topics: Ask an American-Drought and a new gold rush; vendor versus salesman versus pitcher; to clinch versus to breeze into versus to blow away; prono...
8.美语听力 English Café 475
Topics: American Presidents-George W. Bush; I beg to differ, Would it kill you to (do something)?, ashes to ashes (dust to dust); worth more than; hod...
9.美语听力 English Café 474
Topics: How to Become a Dentist; The Guano Island Act; classic versus classical; to be there for (someone) versus to take (someone) there; after full ...
10.美语听力 English Café 473
Topics: Famous Buildings/Structures-The Brooklyn Bridge; The Minimum Wage; to speculate versus to deliberate versus to contemplate; holy moly; down-an...