环球影城的环球魅力 by Rebecca Fratzke Universal Studios Hollywood a place for fun, entertainment, and even history is taking its first steps in a 25-y...
2.常春藤解析英语【22】Midnight Marauders 忍者传说
Midnight Marauders 忍者传说 by Jason Alloy It is just after midnight. Dressed in dark-colored clothing to _(1)_ with his surroundings, a secretive fig...
Something to Cheer About 活力奔放拉拉队 by Julia Koprak It all started in the 1880s, when groups of students at Princeton University football games wo...
I've Got to Hand It to You 指尖的艺术-指甲彩绘 by Rachel A. Black In the 1930s, actresses on the silver screen looked elegant and sophisticated. What...
5.常春藤解析英语【19】Quieting the Mind身心平静
Quieting the Mind 身心平静 by Marcus Maurice Meditation is an exercise in quieting the mind. Meditation can help restore mental balance leading to a f...
Shanghaied 上海 by Marcus Maurice Shanghai in the late 1920s and early 1930s was a great place to be. This paradise for adventurers had only been an a...
Darkening Skies Brighten Our Lives 光害危机 by Ilse van Wyk In both modern and ancient thinking, light and brightness are viewed positively. _(1)_ The...
8.常春藤解析英语【16】Diamonds Aren't Everyone's Best
Diamonds Aren't Everyone's Best Friend 嗜血钻石 by Jerri C. Graham In the middle of dinner, Victor got down on one knee. Taking Claire's hand in his, ...
The Tube-By You, for You, and Starring You 专属您的影音分享网站 by Julia Koprak As the Internet continues to grow, more and more people are turning a...
Move Over, Big Bird! 不会飞的大鸟:鸵鸟 by Rachel A. Black In the past, you saw exotic animals at the zoo. When you went to a farm, you saw common ani...