1.Eztalk美语【174】coffee snob 咖啡专家
Ann is ordering Ann: Barista, pull me a ristretto. Jess:What? You're suddenly some kind of coffee snob now? What's a ristretto anyway? Ann: It's basic...
2.Eztalk美语【173】he have a lot of nerve他还真有胆子
The next day, at the Kitty Cafe Jess:I can't believe Mr. Fro didn't buy it. Who does that guy think he is anyway? Bill Gates? Ann: He had a lot of ner...
3.Eztalk美语【172】A match made in heaven.真是天作之合啊
Ann: That's brilliant! We can name the grades of motor oil by where they come from. James: [Joking] Mr. Mechanic, I'd like a nice Venezuelan blend thi...
4.Eztalk美语【171】choice and fresh 精选又新鲜
Sitting down with their drinks James: My latte looks like that shoe polish we did an ad for last month. Jess: And this espresso looks like...oil! Jame...
5.Eztalk美语【170】I'm burnt out累得口吐白沫
剧码: Coffee!!! Ann, James, and Jess are ordering coffee in the Kitty Cafe James: Any new ideas on the Mr. Fro case? How can we give this motor oil a...
进阶篇订制你的独特咖啡 到国际连锁咖啡店点咖啡,常常会看到咖啡的杯子后面,有一些选择表,这到底是什么东西?其实这是店员做记号,填入客人个人化口味选择的...
剧码: Coffee!!! 入门篇基本咖啡,基本美语 1.浓缩咖啡 espresso I'd like a double / triple espresso. 我要双份∕三份的意大利浓缩咖啡。 2.摩卡咖啡 caffe m...
给老客户的e-mail....... Dear Ms. Reynolds: Thank you for your remittance of October 28 for your order XX-1234. We are currently processing this order,...
剧码: Office Talk 产品正在开发中 1. 我们很高兴(今天∕十月二十八日)收到您的汇款。 2. 这个产品正在开发中。 3. 请提供车种、品名和正厂号码,或者提供样...
As the Easter egg hunt begins Holly: [Out of breath] Hide me, Yi-jun! The kids all think I'm the real Easter bunny! Yi-jun: Aw, that's sweet! I knew y...