1.听电影学英语-战争之王 14
[00:03.68]为什么? Why? [00:06.95]啥? Why? [00:09.58]为什么? Why? [00:11.78]啥为什么? Why what? [00:13.84]为什么? Why? [00:14.91]为什么? 我不知道...
2.听电影学英语-战争之王 13
[00:01.84]贿赂别人的钱也很多 Not to mention bribes. [00:03.81]不贿赂别人 You cant get a nut and bolt out [00:05.01]你根本无法进入边界 of the Eastern B...
3.听电影学英语-战争之王 12
[00:02.31]你必须买下它 Well now youre gonna have to buy it [00:04.38]它已经被你用过了 Its a used gun. [00:07.51]我怎么能卖掉用过的枪 How can I sell a ...
4.听电影学英语-战争之王 11
[00:29.21]喂 Hello. [00:30.11]艾娃? Ava? [00:30.98]亲爱的 Hi, baby. [00:33.85]你知道现在几点了吗? You forgot what time it is? [00:35.88]对不起... Sor...
5.听电影学英语-战争之王 10
[00:01.88]就算它被泥土或者沙子覆盖 It will shoot whether its covered in mud [00:03.65]它还是可以正常的开火 or filled with sand. [00:05.25]它的使用非常...
6.听电影学英语-战争之王 09
[00:03.05]你的库存少得危险 Your stocks are dangerously depleted, Dmitri. [00:05.88]你该去向工厂订货了 You should order more from the factory. [00:08.8...
7.听电影学英语-战争之王 08
[00:02.38]现在只好拼命想办法 which she had thanks largely to me [00:04.88]才能维持她以往的生活水平 become accustomed. [00:06.05]艾娃 Ava [00:07.35]艾...
8.听电影学英语-战争之王 07
[00:01.01]至少原来是这么安排的 At least, that was the plan. [00:02.81]摄影师被困在迈阿密了 I guess the photographer got stuck in Miami. [00:05.45]说有...
9.听电影学英语-战争之王 06
[00:01.92]的确为我带来可观的利润 netted me a healthy profit. [00:04.05]要不是半途丢了一公斤 It would have been even better, [00:05.35]利润会更可观 exc...
10.听电影学英语-战争之王 05
[00:01.05]我常更换船和飞机注册的名字 Id often changed the registration of a ship or a plane... [00:04.32]但从来没有这么急过 ...but never on such short...