1.NPR 2011-07-21
President Obama is holding separate meetings today with Republican and Democratic congressional leaders, as NPR's Mara Liasson reports, to see if ther...
2.NPR 2011-07-20
There's a new reason for hope in the talks over raising the debt ceiling. As NPR's Ari Shapiro reports, a bipartisan group of senators has revived the...
3.NPR 2011-07-19
House Republicans are spearheading a bill that they say would cut, cap and balance the federal budget. President Obama says if it gets to his desk, he...
4.NPR 2011-07-18
The phone-hacking scandal in Britain has taken a sudden new twist. NPR's Philip Reeves says the country's most senior police officer has now resigned....
5.NPR 2011-07-17
Despite objections raised by China, President Obama welcomed the Dalai Lama to the White House today. China had warned meeting with the Tibetan spirit...
6.NPR 2011-07-16
A short-term approach to the nation's pressing debt limit deadline falls well short of what Washington should be doing. Says President Obama: This not...
7.NPR 2011-07-15
The FBI will investigate allegations that Rupert Murdock's News Corp. hacked into the private phone accounts of 9/11 terrorism victims. A law enforcem...
8.NPR 2011-07-14
A fourth round of debt talks resume[s] this hour at the White House, with the administration saying it's confident, one way or another, lawmakers will...
9.NPR 2011-07-13
Debt talks are under way at the White House for a third straight day with both sides still far apart on reducing deficits and raising the debt limit. ...
10.NPR 2011-07-12
President Obama is ratcheting up pressure on Democrats and Republicans to reach a deal on deficit reduction no matter how painful. I'm prepared to tak...