1.万花筒 2011-04-20&04-21 百事可乐CEO评价奥巴马
-You think a lot about leadership. What do you think of President Obama as a leader? -Hum, I think he is a remarkable individual, but let me put this ...
2.万花筒 2011-04-18&04-19 影帝尼古拉斯·凯奇因家暴被拘
Well, apparently whats been reported and what we have heard is that he was intoxicated on the streets of New Orleans, they were renting a home, a prop...
3.万花筒 2011-04-15&04-17 日本核事故升至7级 与切尔诺贝利事故"平级"
We learn today that the nuclear crisis is even worse than we thought. Officials have raised the scale of the incident to the highest level, the same a...
4.万花筒 2011-04-12&04-14 上海迪士尼乐园正式破土动工
Now to a big announcement by our parent company Disney breaking new ground overseas on a huge new magical kingdom. Dou Chance has been following overn...
5.万花筒 2011-04-09&04-11 施瓦辛格回归娱乐圈 化身超级英雄“州长侠”
Governator is an action comedy. And it's an action packed kind of series with 52 episodes a year. And it's a whole package, it's not just television, ...
6.万花筒 2011-04-07&04-08 可降解的高尔夫球
It looks and sounds like a regular golf ball, but this prototype is anything but average. Once we saw that would actually take off and have flight cha...
7.万花筒 2011-04-04&04-06 美客机机身破裂紧急迫降
The emergency landing a Southwest flight in Yuma, Arizona after a gaping hole opened in the fuselage of the Boeing 747 while craft was at cruising alt...
8.万花筒 2011-04-01&04-03 未来汽车
You know, driving in New York city can be a heroin experience. Boldly run the streets of Manhattan or the suburbs of Atlanta, new technologies both en...
9.万花筒 2011-03-30&03-31 美科罗拉多州惊现UFO
We're gonna have that little Colorado town. That is on the map now for being a UFO magnet. Last week, the people of Lafayette, population of 26,000, l...
10.万花筒 2011-03-27&03-29 全球企业女性高管人数下滑
As millions mark the 100th International Women's Day, a new report has found there are increasingly less women in senior management positions around t...