1.万花筒 2011-09-29&10-01 纽约七岁男童救母受嘉奖
Well, a life saving corpora, seven-year-old boy in Brooklyn, his mom was having a seizure but he knew exactly what to do. He called 911 to get help an...
2.万花筒 2011-09-26&09-28 巴勒斯坦申请入联 叫板美国
Mahmoud Abbas' entire life has led up to this moment. When he could stand before the United Nations and call for it to recognize Palestine as a state....
3.万花筒 2011-09-23&09-25 大白鲨海滩频曝光 泳客需小心
Well, the last big good beach weekend of the summer is upon us, but many beach-goers on both coasts will like be avoiding the water altogether. Sharks...
4.万花筒 2011-09-20&09-22 美资深媒体人:抛弃患阿兹海默症伴侣的行为可以接受
So much friends' sickness and in health, religious TV personality Pat Robertson says that divorcing a spouse suffering from Alzheimer's is justifiable...
5.万花筒 2011-09-17&09-19 李氏杆菌病蔓延 哈密瓜或为罪魁
We're gonna turn out to that deadly outbreak of Listeria thats been linked to contaminated cantaloupes. One family impacted is now fighting back, dema...
6.万花筒 2011-09-14&09-16 假期后综合症
Remember these? Sunshine, waves, lazy days, lounging in lazy rivers. It wasn't that long ago but now you are back to this. If you are feeling run down...
7.万花筒 2011-09-11&09-13 俄罗斯坠机 精英冰球队遇难
It is one of the worst disasters ever involving a sports team, a plane crash outside Yaroslavl, Russia, 150 miles northeast of Moscow. Forty-three of ...
8.万花筒 2011-09-09&09-10 肥胖问题贻害无穷
When you talk about government policy needing to intervene and make these changes that are necessary to change the trends. Yes, they have to. They are...
9.万花筒 2011-09-06&09-08 机场安检有缺陷 体汗误作爆炸物
National security officials are in high alert, we have more on that in a minute. But today we also learn there are new concerns about what we felt was...
10.万花筒 2011-09-03&09-05 鳄鱼入侵公共泳池
Here is what's going on as we look to Australia. Yes, that' what I call a croc. Wow! Yeah, fresh water crocodile, found in a public, public pool in Da...