1.英文听力:经典教程 最新精选
Kanade总是提到自己的妹妹,姐妹感情非常好。 Kanade: Hi, Todd. Todd: How are you doing? Kanade: Good, how are you? Todd: Pretty good. Kanade, you talk a...
The 40-year-old man was found guilty of harming a threatened species by a court in New South Wales (NSW) on Thursday. The incident occurred in January...
明天就是元宵节了,在这里先祝各位元宵节快乐喽!! 在此,也与大家一起分享几句元宵节英语祝福短语。 Here I would like to share some text messages about La...
关于工作成就 135.Would you talk about your merits?你能谈谈你的工作业绩吗? 136.Now please tell me something about your achievements in your work un...
那么如何用英语来表达自己属呢?首先还是把十二生肖的英语梳理一遍: 鼠 Rat (/Mouse) 牛 Ox 虎 Tiger 兔 Rabbit (/Hare) 龙 Dragon 蛇 Snake 马 Horse 羊 Goat ...
Develop These 5 Habits To Become A More Efficient Worker 1) Have A Solid Daily Ritual Heres a solid one from Peter Bregman that will help you maximize...
8.美国俚语:the bottom line 最主要的
A:Iguessmy boyfriend and I are finally calling it quits. We live3000miles apartfrom each other. Long-distance relationships arejustimpossible. A: 我想...
9.纽约的天气怎么样? What's the weather like in New York?
在线收听: http://talk.oralpractice.com/article_8461.html A:You don't look very well. 你的脸色不太好。 B:I'm not feeling too well. I've caught a col...
课程报名: http://www.oralpractice.com/classroom_list.php 课程名称 上课时间 时长 教室 教师 人数限制 费用 详情 免费英语之(话题篇)一对一课程 2014-02-1...