1.英文听力:经典教程 最新精选
经典教程 标准美国英语口语 海外求助英语会话 最新精选 纸牌屋 外研社萤火虫双语系列...
2.贫富差距 wealth gap
浙江省第一份社会财富观调查报告近日对外发布,调查显示,80%的受访者认为贫富差距大,50%以上的人判断未来贫富差距还将拉大。社会贫富悬殊状况不容乐观。 请看...
3.日常口语 You'd better...的句型
You had better give up sweets. 你最好把糖戒掉。 You had better think it over. 你最好再考虑考虑。 You had better not go just now. 你现在最好不要去。 Yo...
Traffic jam 交通堵塞 Maria: Sorry I'm late. Horrible traffic. 玛利亚:抱歉,我迟到了。交通状况很糟。 Jack: Rush hour in New York separates the men fro...
贴士1:Dos 该做 Eat regular meals. Remember that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. 准时进餐。记住早餐是一天中最重要的一顿饭。 Eat lots ...
The alarm clock spells dread in the morning whether you must get ready for work or for school. Many turn to caffeine to help them come alive, get focu...
7.英语俚语:Grab a bite 吃点东西
Grab a bite 吃点东西 英解:to get something to eat quickly Grab是抓取的意思;而bite原本是咬的意思,但在这边是当名词用,指吃的东西。grab a bite这句可以...
小伙伴说错了话,做错了事儿,让你着实看不下去了。心中的不爽到底该如何表达?英文你可以这样提示TA 1. That wasn't very clever. 那样做可不怎么明智。 2. I c...
9.双语散文: 生活中的对手
Jaguar is an endangered animal. It is said that there are less than 20 jaguars in the world currently, one of which is now living in the national zoo ...
在线报名: http://www.oralpractice.com/classroom_list.php 课程名称 上课时间 时长 教室 教师 人数限制 费用 详情 雅思口语专业指导(4月)新话题及热点话题...