1.英文听力:经典教程 最新精选
经典教程 新概念英语第三册 赖世雄高级美国英语 最新精选 英语语言学习 职业技术英语口语...
1. May I have extension two-one-one? 2. Can I have extension two-one-one, please? 3. May I speak to david, extension tow-one-one? 4. Extension two-one...
(1)To keep office expenses down, we can start from office stationery. Items like pens, paper, paper clips, and pencils do not cost a lot individuall...
(1)coward 懦夫 I was, to my shame, a coward. 我很惭愧,我是个懦夫。 He's a coward and a bully who confuses physical strength with manhood. 他是一个...
There are some major benefits to having confidence, and there are proven methods to boost it. 自信会给你带来很多好处,经证明有些方法能提高你的自信心。...
6.如何对 “放弃” 说不!
What do you do to motivate yourself when you are about to give up? 在你濒临放弃边缘时,如何激励自己再次前行? 获得145好评的回答@Ariel Banayan: STEP 1:...
7.印度首富百亿美元建4G网 免费向全国提供
India's richest man is rolling out a $20 billion mobile network that could bring lightning-fast Internet to hundreds of millions of people. 印度首富正...
任何语言都有它独特的缩写,熟练掌握一些常用、地道的英文缩写会让你对英文的识别力更敏锐,让你在听别人讲话或自己进行口头表达时更方便、更容易。 今天的内容...
India has the slowest internet speeds in Asia and India stands at 114th position with an average internet speed of 2.8 Mbps. 印度网速是亚洲最慢的,印...
在线报名: http://www.oralpractice.com/classroom_list.php 课程名称 上课时间 时长 教室 教师 人数限制 费用 详情 English interview(专业英语面试指导和商务...