1.美国语文第六册 第148期:守安息日(1)
The Sabbath lies at the foundation of all true morality. 安息日是所有真正的道德规范的基石。 Morality flows from principle. 道德源于准则。 Let the prin...
2.美国语文第六册 第147期:麻雀
Little birds sit on the telegraph wires, And chitter, and flitter, and fold their wings; 鸟儿端坐在电线上,啾啾而鸣,飞来飞去,又合上翅膀; Maybe they...
3.美国语文第六册 第146期:洗礼(8)
and a slight current of air, as if propelled by it, 一股气流仿佛是被驱赶过来的, passed whispering along the sweetbriers, and the broom, and the tress...
4.美国语文第六册 第145期:洗礼(7)
A bonnet, a bonnet, cried another; now for the pretty, sanctified face, that rolled its demure eyes below it. 一个士兵喊道,然后用脚踢到水潭里。呢帽,...
5.美国语文第六册 第144期:洗礼(6)
when one of them, looking over the edge of the cliff, exclaimed, 其中一人向悬崖上眺望,大喊道: See, see! Humphrey, We have caught the whole tabernacl...
6.美国语文第六册 第143期:洗礼(5)
When the psalm ceased, an echo, like a spirit's voice, was heard dying away, high up among the magnificent architecture of the cliffs; 在赞美诗结束时...
7.美国语文第六册 第142期:洗礼(4)
At the close of divine service, a row of maidens, all clothed in purest white, came gliding off from the congregation, 在礼拜快要结束时,从会众中闪出...
8.美国语文第六册 第141期:洗礼(3)
Yet, here came the persecuted Christians and worshiped God, whose hand hung over their head those magnificent pillars and arches, 不过,被迫害的基督徒...
9.美国语文第六册 第140期:洗礼(2)
The eye could at once command a long-stretching vista, seemingly closed and shut up at both extremities by the coalescing cliffs. 放眼望去,人们的视野...
10.美国语文第六册 第139期:洗礼(1)
The rite of baptism had not been performed for several months in the kirk of Lanark. 在拉纳克教会,已经有好几个月没有举行洗礼仪式了。 It was now the h...