1.美国语文第六册 第17期:大扫除(6)
His train of reasoning is whimsical and ingenious, but I am not at leisure to give you the detail. 他一系列相关的推理堪称异想天开和匠心独运,不过我无...
2.美国语文第六册 第16期:大扫除(5)
The frame and glass of a fine print are to be cleaned; 画框和玻璃肯定要清洗擦拭干净的, the spirit and oil used on this occasion are suffered to leak ...
3.美国语文第六册 第15期:大扫除(4)
And so the poor gentleman was doubly non-suited; for he lost both his suit of clothes and his suit at law. 于是,一位贫穷的绅士会由于双重原因而不满意...
4.美国语文第六册 第14期:大扫除(3)
Let the great gods, That keep this dreadful pother o'er our heads, Find out their enemies now. 让伟大的神灵,在我们头顶掀起这场可怕的骚动。现在,让他...
5.美国语文第六册 第13期:大扫除(2)
The walls are stripped of their furniturepaintings, prints, and looking-glasses lie huddled in heaps about the floors; 墙壁四周的家具给挪开了地板上堆...
6.美国语文第六册 第12期:大扫除(1)
There is no season of the year in which the lady may not, if she pleases, claim her privilege; 在一年中没有哪个季节女士不主张自己的特权,当然,如果她...
7.美国语文第六册 第11期:暴雨过后
As from the face of heaven the shattered clouds tumultuous rove, 上天那张乌云斑驳的脸狂风漫卷,呼号弥长 the interminable sky sublimer swells, 更崇高的...
8.美国语文第六册 第10期:风暴(2)
Again, greater darkness enveloped the trembling earth. 颤抖的大地又一次披上了更幽深的黑暗的外衣。 Anon, the heavens were rent with lightning, which no...
9.美国语文第六册 第9期:风暴(1)
They looked round on every side, and hope gave way before the scene of desolation. 他们环顾四周,盼望眼前不再是荒凉的景象。 Immense branches were shiv...
10.美国语文第六册 第8期:黎明(2)
Hands of angels, hidden from mortal eyes, shifted the scenery of the heavens; the glories of night dissolved into the glories of the dawn. 众天使们的...