1.新编大学英语教程第四册Unit 04
Writing Between the Lines You know you have to read between the lines to get the most out of anything. I want to persuade you to do something equally ...
2.新编大学英语教程第四册Unit 03
Salvation I was saved from sin when I was going on thirteen. But not really saved. It happened like this. There was a big revival at my Auntie Reed's ...
3.新编大学英语教程第四册Unit 02
Englishes Of course a scale of of styles exists in all our use of English.Each of us works not just with one English but with many Englishes,and the w...
4.新编大学英语教程第四册Unit 01
This year it's going to be different New Year's resolutions1 are like anything elseyou get out of them what you put in.Judging from results of other y...
Unit 15 TEXT I A Fable for Tomorrow Text There was once a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to live in harmony with its surroundings....
Unit 10 TEXT I "Keep Class 2 Under Your Thumb" Text "You'll have to keep Class 2 under your thumb," said the headmaster. To make this clear, he showed...
Unit 11 TEXT I Shaka — King of the Zulus Text Shaka's military career started at about the same time as Napoleon's came to an end at Waterloo. Neithe...
Unit 12 TEXT I A Winter to Remember Text According to the weather men last winter was one of the worst in living memory. We live in the depths of the ...
Unit 13 TEXT I Christmas Text That fall, before it was discovered that the soles of both my shoes were worn clear through, I still went to Sunday scho...
Unit 14 TEXT I After Twenty Years Text The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively. The impressiveness was habitual and not for show, f...