1.美联社新闻一分钟 AP 美国查获上千万假冒N95口罩
This is AP News Minute. 这里是美联社一分钟新闻。 Rush Limbaugh, the talk radio host who became the voice of American conservatism, has died. His death...
2.美联社新闻一分钟 AP 拜登承诺100天后重新开放学校
This is AP News Minute. 这里是美联社一分钟新闻。 At least 20 deaths are reported as a brutal winter storm has much of the US freezing, immobilized and...
3.美联社新闻一分钟 AP 罕见寒潮致美国德州大面积断电
This is AP News Minute. 这里是美联社一分钟新闻。 A massive winter storm has left more than four million people in Texas without power. At least two pe...
4.美联社新闻一分钟 AP 美国新冠病毒死亡人数破45万
This is AP News Minute. 这里是美联社一分钟新闻。 Former President Donald Trump said no to House Democrats who want him to testify in his Senate impeac...
5.美联社新闻一分钟 AP 特朗普律师称弹劾审判违宪
This is AP News Minute. 这里是美联社一分钟新闻。 The drive to vaccinate Americans against the coronavirus is gaining speed and newly recorded cases ha...
6.美联社新闻一分钟 AP 印度北部冰川断裂致数人死亡
This is AP News Minute. 这里是美联社一分钟新闻。 Former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial begins on Tuesday, barely a month after the ...
7.美联社新闻一分钟 AP 伊朗呼吁美国解除制裁
This is AP News Minute. 这里是美联社一分钟新闻。 A memorial service was held Sunday for slain FBI agent Daniel Alfin at the Hard Rock Stadium in Flori...
8.美联社新闻一分钟 AP 美国联邦调查局两名特工遭枪杀
This is AP News Minute. 这里是美联社一分钟新闻。 A memorial service was held Saturday for FBI Special Agent Laura Schwartzenberger at Hard Rock Stadiu...
9.美联社新闻一分钟 AP 拜登:“美国回来了”将取代“美国优先”
This is AP News Minute. 这里是美联社一分钟新闻。 President Joe Biden is making clear that the world should expect a more diplomatically engaged United...
10.美联社新闻一分钟 AP 俄亥俄州一警官被控射杀黑人
This is AP News Minute. 这里是美联社一分钟新闻。 The House could vote on Thursday on whether to strip Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene ...