1.VOA新闻杂志2022 英国首相特拉斯宣布辞职, 上任仅6周
British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned Thursday after only six weeks in office. 英国首相特拉斯周四宣布辞职,上任仅6周。 Truss was brought down by e...
2.VOA新闻杂志2022 以色列一公司推出3D打印人造肉
People in Europe are soon to have another choice when looking for meat at food stores or choosing a meal at a restaurant. 欧洲人在食品店买肉或在餐馆选...
3.VOA新闻杂志2022 近500头鲸鱼在新西兰搁浅死亡
Hundreds of pilot whales died this week on the beaches of the Chatham Islands, about 800 kilometers east of New Zealand. 本周,数百头领航鲸在新西兰以...
4.VOA新闻杂志2022 德国一村庄实现用电自给自足
Europeans are preparing for the increase in prices of their energy bills. 欧洲人正在为能源账单上涨做准备。 Many plan to try to save energy this winter...
5.VOA新闻杂志2022 法国女作家安妮·埃尔诺获2022年诺贝尔文学奖
French writer Annie Ernaux used her own experience to explore life in France since the 1940s. 法国作家安妮埃尔诺用自己的亲身经历探索了自20世纪40年代以...
6.VOA新闻杂志2022 越南或将限制社交媒体账户发布新闻内容
Three people said Vietnam is preparing new rules to limit which social media accounts can publish news-related information. 三名知情人士表示,越南正准...
7.VOA新闻杂志2022 梅洛尼将成为意大利首位女总理
Results from elections Sunday suggest that Giorgia Meloni will likely become Italys first woman prime minister. 周日的选举结果显示,乔治娅梅洛尼很可能...
8.VOA新闻杂志2022 连续3年出现拉尼娜现象, 澳大利亚今年夏季或再现洪灾
Australias government weather agency is predicting unusually heavy rains in the coming months linked to an ocean event. 澳大利亚政府气象机构预测,未来...
9.VOA新闻杂志2022 美国边境羁押移民人数首次超过200万
Venezuelan migrants have been in the news lately in the United States. 委内瑞拉移民最近出现在美国的新闻中。 About 50 Venezuelans arrived by airplane o...
10.VOA新闻杂志2022 突尼斯酒店禁止游客穿布基尼
Some women visiting hotels in Tunisia are criticizing policies that ban a kind of swimwear known as a burkini. 一些入住突尼斯酒店的女性批评禁止一种名...