1.VOA时事新闻2023 加拿大野火肆虐影响美国空气质量
Winds are pushing smoke from Canadian wildfires into major cities across the U.S. Midwest and East Coast. 大风将加拿大野火产生的烟雾吹向美国中西部和东...
2.VOA时事新闻2023 挪威女子挑战最快征服14座高峰纪录
A Norwegian woman is trying to become the fastest climber to make it to the top of the world's 14 highest mountains. 一位挪威女子正试图成为世界最快登...
3.VOA时事新闻2023 瑞典将成为欧洲首个"无烟"国家
Sweden is getting close to becoming the first smoke-free country in the European Union (EU). 瑞典即将成为欧盟第一个无烟国家。 The country of 10.5 mill...
4.VOA时事新闻2023 全球逾半数湖泊近30年间大幅缩水
A new study has found that more than half of the world's lakes have shrunk since the 1990s. 一项新的研究发现,自20世纪90年代以来,世界上超过一半的湖泊...
5.VOA时事新闻2023 尼泊尔登山向导第27次成功登顶珠峰
尼泊尔登山向导第27次成功登顶珠峰 A Nepalese Sherpa mountain guide has regained the record for most climbs of Mount Everest. 一名尼泊尔夏尔巴人登山向导...
6.VOA时事新闻2023 2022年全球境内流离失所者人数超7100万
2022年全球境内流离失所者人数超7100万 A new report says the war in Ukraine helped push the worldwide number of people left internally displaced by conf...
7.VOA时事新闻2023 土耳其大选进入第二轮, 埃尔多安暂时领先
土耳其大选进入第二轮, 埃尔多安暂时领先 Turkey's presidential election will be decided in a runoff, election officials said Monday. 土耳其选举官员周一...
8.VOA时事新闻2023 美国"第42条"即将失效, 大批移民涌向美墨边界
美国第42条即将失效, 大批移民涌向美墨边界 Large numbers of migrants are crossing the United States border just hours before pandemic-related asylum res...
9.VOA时事新闻2023 陪审团裁定特朗普性侵指控成立
A jury in New York City found former President of the United States Donald Trump liable of sexually abusing writer E. Jean Carroll. 纽约市的一个陪审团...
10.VOA时事新闻2023 全球食品市场价格下降?
The global market prices of grains, vegetable, milk-based and other agricultural products have been falling. 谷物、蔬菜、牛奶等农产品的全球市场价格一...