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听力教程 > 2007年NPR美国国家公共电台
1.NPR 12-17:The Day the Show Didn't Go On 一次令我难忘的调
Piano tuner Ron Kroenke inadvertently made residents of a nursing home unhappy. But one of them understood This is Dave Isay, creator of StoryCorps, t...
2.NPR 10-08:pening Doors and Hearts at the Plaza Hotel 用心去开
Ed Trinka shares 45 years of memories as a doorman to stars and others at New York's Plaza Hotel It's Friday morning, which means it's time again for ...
3.NPR 08-20:Launching a Life with $10 and a Dream10美元支撑起
With $10 and a will to do whatever it took, Larry Young left the farm and set off for college Time now for StoryCorps, recording your stories across t...
4.NPR 12-31:A Once-in-a-Lifetime Love Story, Interrupted 昙花一现,
Cindy White tells her friend, Eric Ernsberger, about being diagnosed HIV positive shortly after meeting her life partner, Dan Driggers I met Dan, the ...
5.NPR 12-28:A 'Silent Night' That Brought Healing 那一次,平安夜的歌声第一
On Christmas Eve, 1968, Steve Banko was lying in a military hospital with shrapnel and burn wounds from a battle in Vietnam -- and he wasn't sure that...
6.NPR 12-24:Mother's Magic: Stretching a Christmas Dollar 难忘的童
Jerry Johnson interviews his mother, Carrie Conley, about raising six children as a single mother When he lay off. I just said Lord, what am I going t...
7.NPR 12-21:Navigating Turbulent Waters 鱼教会了我如何克服生活的“逆流”
Jimmy Liao had a difficult relationship with his short-tempered father. But he fondly remembers the fishing trips he took with his dad each Sunday. Li...
8.NPR 12-14:Finding Redemption Through Acceptance 包容他人是我们得以救赎自
Working as an interrogator at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is a dangerous job. Yet an experience with a terrorism suspect led one veteran of the Iraq war to ...
9.NPR 12-10:As First Dates Go, This One Was a Doozy 我和她不寻常的初次约
Sigmund and Bonnie Stahl's first date wasn't that unusual a night out at the movies. But what they saw was ... a bit different. This is Dave Essay, cr...
10.NPR 12-07:Living with Integrity 于人于己,务必诚实
Bob Barret believes in integrity a belief that eventually led him to tell his wife and children that he is gay Welcome to This I Believe, an NPR serie...