Sike leave may be made mandatory in Washington D.C. at all businesses A national movement to make sure you get sick days at work is catching on. Fortu...
Police are searching for a man disguised as an elderly woman during a bank robbery. WHDH's Michelle Relerford reports Wearing a knee-length women's st...
Four dead in 70-car Florida pileup Highway accident at central Florida today where poor visibility on interstate 4 triggered a deadly chain/ reaction....
Janet Adamy reports that McDonal's will add espresso, latte and other specialty drinks to its menu Starting this year lovers of Mocha, Cappuccino and ...
A recap of the year's hit music -- from Rihanna to High School Musical 2 Welcome to our FreshTrax, your weekly source of whats happening in music. Thi...
Britney Spears is taken to Cedars Sinai Medical Center for a mental evaluation It was sheer craziness, that's how people describe/ the scene outside t...
Support groups offer emotional help following the diagnosis of an illness. CNN's Judy Fortin reports The thought of opening up and sharing personal de...
Some of the weirdest, most memorable technology this year came in the form of robots, and of course -- mostly from Japan Some of the weirdest, most me...