
Scene 75 焦虑

时间:2024-05-06 03:28:08



Scene 75 焦虑

❶ 我焦虑得睡不着。I am too anxious to sleep.

对话 A: Why do you stay up late? 你为什么还不睡觉?

B: I am too anxious to sleep. I'll make a speech tomorrow. 我焦虑得睡不着。明天我要做个演讲。

❷ 我很紧张。I'm a nervous wreck1.

同类表达 I am too nervous.

对话 A: I'm a nervous wreck. 我很紧张。

B: Trust me. You will be fine. 相信我,你会没事的。

❸ 我觉得如坐针毡。I'm on pins and needles.

同类表达 I have ants in my pants.

❹ 我对结果感到紧张不安。I'm nervous about the outcome2.

对话 A: I'm nervous about the outcome. 我对结果感到紧张不安。

B: Calm down. You're the best. 镇静点,你是最棒的。

❺ 别慌,慢慢来。Don't panic and take your time.

同类表达 Take it easy. 放轻松。

❻ 她的表情流露出一些焦虑。Her expression showed some anxiety.

对话 A: She was nervous about her score. 她很紧张她的成绩。

B: Yes. Her expression showed some anxiety. 是的,她的表情流露出一些焦虑。

❼ 别紧张,你已经练习过很多次了。Relax, you have practiced it many times.

对话 A: I'm so nervous right now. 我现在非常紧张。

B: Relax, you have practiced it many times. 别紧张,你已经练习过很多次了。

❽ 我真的很担心这次工作面试。I'm really anxious for this job interview.

同类表达 I really worry about this job interview.

对话 A: I'm really anxious for this job interview. 我真的很担心这次工作面试。

B: Relax, you can do it very well. 别紧张,你可以做得很好。

❾ 我对我的将来有些茫然。I'm insecure about my future.

同类表达 I have some confusion3 about my future.

对话 A: I'm insecure about my future. 我对我的将来有些茫然。

B: Me, too. 我也是。

❿ 你对自己所做的事没把握。You're insecure about what you're doing.

对话 A: Why am I worried about the future? 我为什么担心未来呢?

B: You're insecure about what you're doing. 你对自己所做的事没把握。



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