
北师大初中英语七年级下--Expansion 11-1

时间:2011-03-26 05:31:03



[00:00.00]UNIT 11 Expansion1 11
[00:09.20]1 One day in England Diego
[00:12.71]and Fernanda were very hungry.
[00:15.40]They didn't have any food
[00:17.34]and they didn't have any money.
[00:19.65]So they thought out a clever plan
[00:21.78]to get a free meal.
[00:23.49]First,they saw some other people on the road.
[00:27.36]Then,they started to speak very loudly.
[00:30.73]They had strong Spanish accents
[00:33.11]and the people stopped to talk to them.
[00:35.83]"Where are you from?" they asked.
[00:38.56]"We are from Spain."Diego answered .
[00:41.77]Then they talked for a while
[00:43.85]and Diego told them all about their trip.
[00:47.00]But Fernanda didn't say anything.
[00:49.78]"Why is you friend so quiet?"
[00:51.87]the Englishman2 asked."
[00:53.95]"Oh,he's very hungry and today is our first day
[00:57.75]on the road,"Dioge answered.
[01:00.77]The Englishman immediately invited Diego
[01:03.63]and Femando to a bar for a drink.
[01:06.21]Later,at the bar,Femando didn't drink anything.
[01:11.39]"Why doesn't your friend want to drink?"
[01:13.44]the man asked.
[01:14.94]"In Spain,we have a tradition.
[01:17.57]First we eat and then we drink,"Diego replied.
[01:22.00]So the man immediately bought Fernanda
[01:23.93]and Diego a big meal
[01:25.91]and everyone was very happy.



1 expansion hmZx9     
  • The company has promised wide consultation on its expansion plans.该公司允诺就其扩展计划广泛征求意见。
  • The plan will give an impulse to industrial expansion.这个计划将促进工业的扩展。
2 Englishman Dp9xR     
  • I was astonished that he was not an Englishman.我很惊讶,他竟不是英国人。
  • She stared thoughtfully at the Englishman across the table.她若有所思地盯着桌子对面的那个英国人。

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