

时间:2011-10-31 06:32:09


   Doctor:What seems to be the problem?

  Patient:Well,I was crossing the road,where a car came round the corner too quickly,and when the driver saw me,it was too late to stop. I was knocked to the ground,and when I got up,my left arm and elbow were grazed(擦伤) and now,I have a pain in my ribs1.

Doctor:I'll just take a look. Where does it hurt?

  Patient:It's hard to say. It hurts all over.

  Doctor:Does it hurt when I do this?

  Patient:Ouch!The pain is very bad when you press here.

  Doctor:You arm and elbow seem to be all right. But,to be on the safe side,you'd better go to the X-ray Department. When the X-rays are ready,bring them back to me to examine.

  Patient:OK. See you later.

  Doctor:See you then!

  (Ten minutes later,the patient brings back the X-ray plates)

  Patient:Here's my X-rays.

  Doctor:I'll just take a look at it. Everything is all right,except here,see it?There's a hairline fracture(骨折,断裂).

  Patient:Is it serious?

    Doctor:No. It's not very serious, but you should take two or three weeks off work,and rest in bed as much as possible.

  Patient:Should I take some medicine,doctor?

  Doctor:All right. I'll give you some herbal medicine to help you heal quickly. In addition,I will prescribe you some medicine for oral administration(口服). Here is a prescription2. Take it to the chemist's. please take the medicine according to the instruction.

  Patient:Will I need to be put in plaster?

  Doctor:No,it isn't necessary. I have presribed you a tube of ointment3.Administer it two or three times a day.
Patient:Thank you very much, doctor.

  Doctor:Not at all. Goodbye!





1 ribs 24fc137444401001077773555802b280     
n.肋骨( rib的名词复数 );(船或屋顶等的)肋拱;肋骨状的东西;(织物的)凸条花纹
  • He suffered cracked ribs and bruising. 他断了肋骨还有挫伤。
  • Make a small incision below the ribs. 在肋骨下方切开一个小口。
2 prescription u1vzA     
  • The physician made a prescription against sea- sickness for him.医生给他开了个治晕船的药方。
  • The drug is available on prescription only.这种药只能凭处方购买。
3 ointment 6vzy5     
  • Your foot will feel better after the application of this ointment.敷用这药膏后,你的脚会感到舒服些。
  • This herbal ointment will help to close up your wound quickly.这种中草药膏会帮助你的伤口很快愈合。