
新标准初中英语第二册--Module 8 My past life

时间:2012-12-05 06:33:50



[00:00.00]Module 8 My past life

[00:03.51]Unit 1I was born in a smallvillage.

[00:07.87]Vocabulary and listening2 Listen and match the  questions and answers.

[01:00.74]4 Listen and read.Tony:Hey, Lingling.Where were you born?

[01:09.10]Lingling:I was born in asmall village in ShanxiProvince.

[01:14.11]Tony:What was the nameof the village?Lingling:Xucun. Wherewere you born, Tony?

[01:21.52]Tony:I was born inCambridge. It's a smallcity in England.

[01:26.82]Lingling:And what wasthe name of your firstschool?

[01:30.11]Tony:It was DarwinPrimary School.Lingling:And who wasyour first teacher?

[01:36.33]Tony:My first teacherwas Mrs Lane1. She wasstrict but very nice.Who was your firstteacher?

[01:45.25]Lingling:Ms Yao. She wasvery friendly. And whowere your first friends?What were they like?

[01:54.24]Tony:Their names wereBecky and Adam. Beckywas well-behaved atschool but Adam wasnaughty.

[02:02.83]Lingling:And what wereyou like? Were younaughty too?Tony:Yes, I was.

[02:09.49]Pronunciation6 Listen and repeat3 the  questions and answers  in Activity 5.

[03:09.85]7 Listen and say these  sentences aloud.

[03:15.34]1 -I was well-behaved.  -No, you weren't.2 -You were naughty2.  -No, I wasn't.

[03:27.14]3 -They were born in  China.  -No, they weren't.4 -You were strict.  -No, I wasn't.

[03:38.95]5 -I was the first!  -No, you weren't.

[03:44.63]Unit 2I was born in Quincy.

[03:48.51]Reading and vocabulary1 Read the passage and  answer the questions.

[03:55.89]1 Where was Betty born?2 Who were John Adams  and John Quincy Adams?

[04:06.00]3 When was the last time  Betty was in Quincy?4 In what year was Betty  looking forward to  coming to China?

[04:18.58]My life in Quincy      By Betty Rixon

[04:22.86]AI was born in Quincy, atown on the east coastof America.

[04:29.62]There were lots ofthings to do in Quincy,with many stores, twomovie theaters,

[04:36.00]and football andbaseball teams too.

[04:39.46]BTwo presidents4 of theUSA, John Adams and hisson John Quincy Adams,were born in Quincy.

[04:49.46]You can visit their oldfamily houses.

[04:52.69]COur house was big.Therewas a big living roomwith a TV,

[04:59.93]a kitchen, a bathroomand three bedrooms.

[05:04.65]On my bedroom wallsthere were posters ofmy favorite movie stars.

[05:09.92]DThere was a big gardenwith lots of trees andthere was a pond5 withfish in it.

[05:17.72]It was great to playthere.

[05:20.23]EThere were lots ofchildren, so there werelots of friends.

[05:26.06]We were looking forwardto coming to China.

[05:29.37]This was our last homein the USA, and thelast time I was therewas in 2003. One dayI'll go back.

[05:39.77]Words and expressionsModule 8

[05:45.04]past/pa:st/adj.&n.过去(的)/prep.超过……was/w╛z, w╓z/动词be(am,is)的过去式

[05:51.24]born/b╛:n/(动词bear的过去分词)出生be born 出生于founder/'faund╓/n.创建者


[06:03.30]were/w╔:, w╓/动词be(are)的过去式strict/strikt/adj.严格的;严厉的


[06:15.59]naughty/'n╛:ti/adj.淘气的primary/'praim╓ri/adj.初等的;初级的primary school 小学

[06:23.79]well-behaved/,wel bi'heivd/adj.有礼貌的;循规蹈矩的hey/hei/int.嘿;喂



[06:43.46]baseball/'beis,b╛:l/n.棒球living room 起居室kitchen/'kit╞╓n/n.厨房



[07:09.24]back/b╗k/adv.回(原处);向后go back 回去somewhere/'s╘mwe╓/n.某处;某个地方



[07:25.43]WorkbookModule 8 My past life

[07:32.05]Listening andpronunciation7 Listen and answer the  questions.

[08:17.04]8 Look at the linked6  sounds and listen.

[08:23.52]I was born in the USA.It was in a town calledQuincy.

[08:30.92]Two American presidentswere also born there.

[08:35.47]Now say the sentencesaloud.

[08:51.29]9 Say this passage  aloud. Make sure you  link the sounds.

[09:00.17]Listen and check.There were lots ofthings to do withstores, movie theatersand sports teams.

[09:10.17]Life was good and I washappy there.

[09:14.52]Reading and speaking10 Look at the picture   and complete the   passage.

[09:22.75]Betty was born in Quincyin the USA. It was asmall town, but Betty's(1)__ was very big.

[09:31.33]There was a large (2)__with a (3)__, a (4)__,and a (5)__. There werealso three (6)__.

[09:39.22]One was for her parents,one was for her twobrothers, and one wasfor Betty.

[09:45.89]In her bedroom therewere (7)__ of herfavourite movie stars.

[09:50.74]Behind the house, therewas a big (8)__ withlots of (9)__. There wasa (10)__ with (11)__ init, too.

[09:58.55]Betty and her brotherswere very happy there.



1 lane i2kxH     
  • There is a shop at the end of this lane.这条胡同的顶头有一家商店。
  • The champion is running in lane five.冠军跑在第五跑道上。
2 naughty pjRyF     
  • Because you have a naughty daughter!因为你有个淘气女儿!
  • The naughty boy was asking for trouble.那个调皮的男孩是自找麻烦。
3 repeat 6VQxI     
  • There will be a repeat of this talk next week.下星期将重播这次讲话。
  • History will not repeat itself.历史不会重演。
4 presidents 6a020360b59657dec7a69ffa3cf4bd09     
n.总统;(大学)校长( president的名词复数 );会长;[P-]总统;银行行长
  • Several presidents attended the funeral. 好几位总统参加了葬礼。
  • The Roosevelt family produced two presidents: Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt. 罗斯福家族出过两个总统:西奥多·罗斯福和弗兰克林·罗斯福。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
5 pond ROexP     
  • Tom walked around the pond.汤姆绕着池子走。
  • The pond was iced over.池子给冰封起来了。
6 linked d48e37bc19b9fe2c72923c30fd7a4152     
adj.连接的,显示连环遗传的v.连接( link的过去式和过去分词 );联系;相关联;说明(两件东西或两人之间)有联系(或关系)
  • Europe's foreign policy is inextricably linked with that of the US. 欧洲的对外政策和美国的紧密相扣。
  • Hemoglobin can also be cross-linked to solublepolymers to form so-called conjugated hemoglobin. 血红蛋白也能交联到水溶性多聚体上,形成所谓的共轭血红蛋白。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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