
新标准初中英语第二册--Module 9 Story time

时间:2012-12-05 06:34:30




[00:00.00]Module 9 Story time

[00:03.33]Unit 1Once upon1 a time ...

[00:06.72]Vocabulary and listening1 Listen and check (√)  the true2 sentences3.

[00:48.37]3 Listen and number  the pictures in the  correct4 order5.

[02:45.93]4 Listen and read.Tony:Goldilocks walkedin the forest6 and pickedsome flowers.

[03:08.20]Soon she was9 lost. Shelooked around her. Thenshe noticed11 a littlehouse.

[03:20.04]She hurried to the houseto ask where she was.She knocked12 on the door.Nobody13 answered, so shepushed the door.

[03:34.45]It was open. Goldilockslooked inside15 andlistened. There was noone there,so she enteredthe house.

[03:48.05]Daming:Maybe no onelived in the house!

[03:54.38]Tony:Wait, Daming!Goldilocks looked intoa small room.

[03:59.30]On a table she countedthree bowls with somenice food in them.

[04:07.03]One bowl was small, onewas big and one was verybig.

[04:15.57]Goldilocks was veryhungry. She picked8 upthe biggest bowl but shedidn't like it-it wasvery hot.

[04:27.26]Then she picked up thebig bowl, but she didn'tlike it-it was cold.

[04:35.97]The little bowl wasgood. She finished16 allthe food in it.

[04:49.93]Pronunciation7 Listen and repeat17.  knocked  picked  walked   pushed14  liked    finished

[05:25.93]stopped   noticedanswered  enteredhurried   livedcounted   decided18

[06:10.68]8 Listen and repeat.1 Goldilocks walked in  the forest.2 She noticed a little  house.

[06:27.03]3 She knocked on the  door.4 She counted three  bowls.

[06:40.68]Unit 2Goldilocks rushed19 out ofthe house.

[06:46.38]Reading and vocabulary2 Read the story and  number the pictures in  the correct order.

[06:49.65]Goldilocks and the ThreeBearsFirst, Goldilocks wantedto sit down because shewas tired.

[07:00.77]The two big chairs wereuncomfortable.She didn'tlike them, so she triedthe smallest chair.

[07:10.30]It was nice, but Goldi-locks was very heavy andshe destroyed20 it.

[07:18.30]She was unhappy21 andtired. She walked intothe bedroom. There werethree beds.

[07:27.15]She didn't like the twobig beds. The smallestbed was very comforta-ble. Very soon she wasasleep in it.

[07:38.84]The three Bears return22-ed. They looked at thebowls and the chairs.

[07:46.83]Baby Bear cried,“There's nothing in mybowl and my chair is inpieces!”He was veryunhappy!

[07:58.88]Next, the Bears lookedin their bedroom. Theydidn't notice10 Goldilocksat first.

[08:07.00]Then Baby Bear pointedat the little girl inhis bed, and cried,“Look! There's thenaughty girl!”

[08:17.82]Finally, Goldilocksopened her eyes.

[08:22.62]The three Bears werearound her,so Goldilocksjumped out of bed andhurried out of the housewithout her basket.

[08:33.38]She didn't return to theforest again.

[08:37.84]Words and expressionsModule 9

[08:43.66]once/w╘ns/adv.曾经;一度once upon a time(常用作讲故事的开头语)从前


[08:59.90]go for a ride去乘(骑……)golden/'g╓uld╓n/adj.金黄色的




[09:27.94]bowl/b╓ul/n.碗pick up 捡起all/╛:l/adj.全部的/adv.全部地hungry/'h╘╕gri/adj.饿的




[09:57.45]without/wi╖'aut/prep.无;没有look around 向四周看die/dai/v.死

[10:05.03]change into 变成emperor/'emp╓r╓/n.皇帝

[10:10.12]WorkbookModule 9 Story time

[10:15.37]Listen and pronunciation7 Listen and match the  parts of the sentences

[11:10.63]8 Listen to the senten-  ces in Activity23 7.  Notice how the speaker24  pauses before because.

[12:24.61]Now say the sentencesaloud.

[12:31.07]Reading and speaking9 Complete25 the passage26  with the words in the  box.

[12:40.06]Wang Hui:I wasn't atschool yesterday, so Ididn't hear the Goldi-locks story. Please tellme about it.

[12:47.41]Daming:OK. Well, therewas a little girl calledGoldilocks.

[12:53.32]First she (1)__ in theforest and (2)__ alittle house. Next she(3)__ the house and(4)__ all the food.

[13:04.82]And then she (5)__ thechairs and (6)__ one ofthem!

[13:09.68]Wang Hui:Oh.Daming:Then the threeBears (7)__ and (8)__at the bowls and thechair.

[13:16.23]Finally, they (9)__ herasleep in Baby Bear'sbed.

[13:22.14]Wang Hui:Who's Baby         Bear?

[13:24.14]Daming:He's one of thethree Bears. So she(10)__ up and (11)__ outof the house and never(12)__.

[13:33.65]Wang Hui:I didn'tunderstand. Please tellme again.

[13:38.53]Now listen and check.



1 upon PjCwJ     
  • I hope that fortune may smile upon you.我希望幸运之神会向你微笑。
  • I rely upon you to finish the work on time.我相信你会准时完成这项工作的。
2 true nm2wH     
  • He who doesn't reach the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉。
  • I will come and see if it is true.我要来了解一下,是否真有其事。
3 sentences 9cc49ff7cdca6cb5a0646f1e962943a4     
n.[律]判决,宣判,课刑;句子( sentence的名词复数 );宣判,判决v.宣判,判决( sentence的第三人称单数 )
  • Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders. 判处长期徒刑可对违法者起到强有力的威慑作用。
  • The example sentences in this dictionary are printed in italic type. 本词典中的例句都是用斜体排印的。
4 correct Xo8zh     
  • She gave a correct answer.她给了个正确的答案。
  • Choose the correct one from these words.选择正确的词填空。
5 order iJJxt     
n.订单;命令;n.顺序,整齐;勋章;阶级,决议;vt.命令; 调整;定购
  • His desk is always in order.他的书桌上总是整整齐齐的。
  • You pay for it at the time you order it.订购时就得付款。
6 forest zi4xk     
  • A lion is the king of the forest.狮子是丛林之王。
  • I like reading in the forest.我喜欢在树林里读书。
7 pick QN5x0     
n.精选,掘;鹤嘴锄;vt.摘,掘,凿,挑选,挖,挑剔;vi. 摘,掘,凿,挖,挑选
  • Please don't pick the flowers.请勿攀折花木。
  • We are going to pick apples.我们要去摘苹果。
8 picked tlJzf7     
adj.精选的,摘下的v.采( pick的过去式和过去分词 );摘;啄;叼
  • I picked up a few good bargains in the sale. 我在减价期间买了几样挺不错的便宜货。
  • She picked herself up, brushed herself down, and started walking again. 她爬起来,掸掸身上的灰尘,又往前走去。 来自《简明英汉词典》
9 was bglwv     
  • He said he was right.他说他是正确的。
  • He was cold and hungry.他又冷又饿。
10 notice SH1x7     
  • Post this notice on the wall.把这个通知贴在墙上。
  • I didn't notice you when you passed by.你走过时,我没有注意到你。
11 noticed e486578b7d7586c1e04facceb61550e1     
v.介绍( notice的过去式和过去分词 );关注;关照;说到
  • I noticed a certain hesitancy in his voice. 我注意到他的声音有点犹豫。
  • She cast a sidelong glance at Eric to see if he had noticed her blunder. 她偷偷斜扫了埃里克一眼,看他有没有留意到她的错误。
12 knocked 7884b43601e8db30d1a7eed0ef693611     
v.敲,击,打( knock的过去式和过去分词 );(心)怦怦跳;把…撞击成(某种状态);批评
  • His glasses had been knocked askew by the blow. 他的眼镜一下子被打歪了。
  • He knocked three times and waited. 他敲了三下门就等着。
13 nobody TGcxW     
  • Nobody is in the house.没有人在房子里。
  • Nobody knows where she lives.没有人知道她住哪里。
14 pushed befdb61f29fafe2fa668659fc8058f54     
adj.(时间、钱等)不够用的; 没有空的,忙碌的v.推,推动( push的过去式和过去分词 );对…施加压力;逼迫;按
  • She pushed at the door but it wouldn't budge. 她推了推门,门却一动不动。
  • He pushed his way through the crowd. 他在人群中往前挤。
15 inside MxDyi     
  • Two minutes later we were inside the taxi.两分钟以后我们已经坐在出租车里面了。
  • He will be back inside two days.他将在两天内回来。
16 finished otFzWn     
  • We finished up everything there was on the table. 我们把桌上的东西全吃完了。
  • We can certainly have the job finished on time.我们肯定能按时完成任务。
17 repeat 6VQxI     
  • There will be a repeat of this talk next week.下星期将重播这次讲话。
  • History will not repeat itself.历史不会重演。
18 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
19 rushed f7ac5b8168a9ab5a7cad2471ad28fcc9     
adj.匆忙的,贸然的v.(使)急速行进,仓促完成( rush的过去式和过去分词 );突袭;(使)仓促行事;催促
  • She rushed downstairs and burst into the kitchen. 她冲下楼闯进厨房。
  • This solution is a fudge rushed in to win cheers at the party conference. 这个解决方案是为了赢得党的会议的赞誉而仓促搞出来的表面文章。
20 Destroyed aefbd0597f1bc2493bbc18898243513b     
adj. 遭破坏的 动词destroy的过去式和过去分词
  • alpine villages destroyed in an avalanche 在一场雪崩中被摧毁的高山村庄
  • The building was completely destroyed by fire. 这栋建筑物被大火彻底焚毁了。
21 unhappy jkuwH     
  • With all his money,he is unhappy.尽管他有那么多钱,他也并不愉快。
  • I'm unhappy about the work you did for me.你替我做这件事我不太满意。
22 return mDvyr     
  • I'll return at 10 this evening.我今晚十点回来。
  • I often return in dreams to my hometown.我常常在梦中回到我的故乡。
23 activity iJnyB     
  • Their activity came to a full stop.他们的活动完全停止了。
  • Do you like the activity?你喜欢这个活动吗?
24 speaker kv1wu     
  • Who's the next speaker?下一个该谁发言?
  • He is a poor speaker.他是一个蹩脚的演讲者。
25 complete sXLy1     
  • They help him complete his work.他们帮助他完成工作。
  • Please complete the following information.请您完整填写以下信息。
26 passage gLnxf     
  • I'll read you another passage.我来读另一段给你们听。
  • The house has an underground passage.这房子有一条地下通道。

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