
新标准初中英语第四册--Revision module B

时间:2012-12-13 07:21:49




[00:00.00]Revision module1 B

[00:01.38]复习模块 B

[00:02.77]Reading and writing


[00:04.68]15 Read the passage and   answer the questions.

[00:07.85]15 阅读课文,回答问题。

[00:11.02]Favourite booksAn introduction toTreasure Island


[00:16.18]Treasure Island is afamous adventure story.The hero, Jim Hawkins,finds a map.


[00:23.29]It belonged to CaptainFlint. Captain Flint wasa pirate and had lots ofgold.


[00:29.85]He hid his gold beforehe died, and the mapshows where it is. It'son an island in theCaribbean.


[00:38.72]Jim and his friends buya ship, recruit somesailors and go to theisland to look for thegold.


[00:46.17]They set sail but thenthey discover that LongJohn Silver, the cook,and the other men on theship are all pirates.


[00:56.00]They were planning tokill them. As soon asthey get to the island,Jim and his friendsfight the pirates.


[01:03.97]The pirates don't killthem, but they take themap.


[01:08.47]The pirates go to lookfor the gold, and Jimfollows them. Althoughthey find the place, thegold isn't there.


[01:17.92]Later, Jim gets to knowthat it's all because ofBen Gunn. Ben Gunn is aman that Jim meets onthe island.


[01:28.16]Ben Gunn tells Jim'sfriends that he was apirate, a friend ofCaptain Flint.


[01:34.79]He has now decided2 to bea good person. Ben Gunnfound the gold some timeago.


[01:42.17]He agrees to share itwith Jim and his friendsif they take him back toEngland.


[01:47.95]When Jim and hisfriends leave theisland, Ben goes withthem.


[01:52.79]All of the pirates haveto stay on the islandexcept Long John Silver.


[01:58.60]Although he is also apirate, he helps Jim andhis friends to someextent.


[02:05.12]On their way home, theystop in America for onenight.


[02:09.80]In the morning, theyfind that Long JohnSilver has gone, andhe's taken some of thegold.


[02:17.39]When they get back toEngland, Jim decidesnever to go looking forgold again.


[02:23.81]It's a fantasticstory, and veryexciting.


[02:32.68]Listening and speaking


[02:34.81]20 Listen and choose the   best answer.

[03:05.74]20 听录音,选择最好的答案

[03:36.67]Words and expressions



[03:46.51]introduction/,intr╓'d╘k╞n/n.介绍;入门belong to 属于


[03:53.49]extent/ik'stent/n.程度,范围to some extent从某种程度上讲



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2 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
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