
新标准初中英语第五册--MODULE 5 Museums

时间:2012-12-14 02:36:04




[00:00.00]MODULE 5 Museums

[00:03.24]模块五 博物馆

[00:06.48]Unit 1You mustn't touch it.


[00:10.06]Listening and vocabulary2 Listen and underline1  the correct word in  each sentence.

[00:42.48]听力和词汇活动2 听录音,在每个句子中正确的单词下划线。

[01:14.90]3 Listen and read.Betty:Let's go to the      Science and Techn-      ology room.      It's upstairs.

[01:21.79]活动3 听一听,读一读。Betty:咱们去科技厅吧。      它在楼上。

[01:28.68]Daming:Come on!This way!       I'm looking       forward to this!

[01:30.40]Daming:快走!这边。我就       盼着这次来参观       呢。

[01:32.12]Guard:Shh! No shouting!      It's against      the rules.

[01:34.25]Guard:嘘!禁止喧哗!这是      违反规定的。

[01:36.38]Daming:But I want to go       upstairs before       we have to go       home.

[01:38.23]Daming:可我想在我们回       家之前到楼上去       看看。

[01:40.08]Guard:Hang on a minute!      You mustn't go up      there! Come back!Daming:     What's the matter?

[01:43.59]Guard:等一下!不许上(楼)      去!回来!Daming:怎么了?

[01:47.10]Guard:   Look at the sign—  “No entry”.Daming:Oh! Why?

[01:50.58]Guard:你看那牌子--      “禁止进入”。Daming:噢!为什么?

[01:54.05]Guard:It's closed until      January. And the      Natural History      room as well.

[01:57.03]Guard:(科技厅)关闭至1月      (才会开放)。自然      历史厅也一样。

[02:00.01]Tony:Oh dear. My classm-ates and I have got towrite a report forhomework by Friday.Well,let's go downstairs.

[02:04.65]Tony:噢,天哪。我和同学     们要在星期五前完成     一个报告。呃,那么     咱们下楼吧。

[02:09.28]Lingling:Why?Tony:I want to buy some     postcards in the     shop.     Where's Daming?

[02:12.06]Lingling:为什么?Tony:我想到商店买几张     明信片。大明在     哪里?

[02:14.84]Lingling:I don't know.         He's gone off         on his own.Tony:Look at this     amazing sculpture2.

[02:18.16]Lingling:我不知道。     他已经自己走了。Tony:看看这个逼真的     雕塑。

[02:21.48]Guard:Don't touch! You      mustn't touch it.Tony:Sorry. I'll just     take a photo.

[02:24.92]Guard:别碰!你们不能碰      它。Tony:对不起。那我就来     拍张照片吧。

[02:28.36]Guard:No, you can't takea photo, either. Look atthe sign—“Nophotography”.

[02:31.99]Guard:不行,你也不能拍照      片。你看这牌子-   -“禁止拍照”。

[02:35.61]Tony:I'm sorry. I wasn'tpaying attention to whatyou were saying. I waslooking at the sculpture. It looks very real.

[02:40.21]Tony:对不起,我刚才没注     你在说什么。我在     看那雕塑,它看上去     很逼真。

[02:44.80]Lingling:Hurry up!You're         taking so long.         Let's go.         Where's Daming?

[02:48.12]Lingling:快走吧!你耽搁         时间太长了。         咱们走吧。大明         在哪里呢?

[02:51.44]Tony:It looks very     strange. It's kind     of familiar3!     It looks like ...Daming:Waaaargh!

[02:55.92]Tony:这个看上去很怪。     好像有点熟悉!     它看上去像……Daming:哇……

[03:00.40]Tony:... Daming!Betty:Oh, very funny!      No wonder it looks      real.

[03:03.39]Tony:……大明!Betty:噢,太有意思了!      怪不得像真的呢。

[03:06.39]Lingling:It's not         a sculpture.         It's Daming!

[03:09.21]Lingling:原来不是雕塑。         是大明!

[03:12.02]4 Make notes about what  people cannot do in  the museum.

[03:16.89]活动4 对人们不能在博物      馆中做的事记笔记。

[03:21.76]Now listen again andcheck.


[05:14.87]Pronunciationand speaking


[05:21.32]7 Listen and repeat4.  Make sure you use the  correct stress5 for  the underlined6 words.

[05:26.15]活动7 听录音,并跟读。对于划线的单词,确保正确运用其重音。

[05:30.99]1 No shouting!  It's against  the rules.2 Don't touch!  You mustn't touch it.

[05:37.36]1 禁止喧哗!这是违反  规定的。2 别碰!你们不能碰它。

[05:43.73]3 No, you can't take  a photo, either. Look  at the sign—“No  photography”.

[05:48.34]3 不行,你也不能拍照片。  你看这牌子--  “禁止拍照”。

[05:52.94]Unit 2There's no shoutingand no running.


[06:01.59]Reading and vocabulary2 Read the passage and  answer the questions.

[06:05.48]阅读和词汇活动2 读这段话,并回答      问题。

[06:09.37]The Science Museumin London    By Tony Smith

[06:11.99]伦敦科学博物馆    托尼·史密斯

[06:14.62]The most unusual museumin London is the ScienceMuseum.


[06:20.61]In most museums, there'sno shouting and norunning, and you aren'tallowed to touch theexhibits.


[06:29.20]But the Science Museumis different ... becauseit's noisy!


[06:34.95]People talk about whatthey can see and dothere, and some of themachines are noisy aswell.


[06:42.22]Visiting the ScienceMuseum is fun and it's agreat way to learn aboutscience

[06:48.77]because you can workthings out and try outideas.


[06:53.67]When I visit theScience Museum, I go tothe Launch7 Pad8.


[06:59.48]This is my favouriteroom because you can dophysics experiments.


[07:05.48]For example, if you wantto fill a bag withfalling sand,


[07:10.57]you have to move a kindof truck on wheels9 intothe correct position.


[07:16.32]You can also learn howto make explosions10. Ialso go to the RocketShow.


[07:23.72]You can learn how wetravel into space andback again.


[07:28.32]Then I go upstairs tothe Human and Natureroom. You can compareyour speed with animalsthere.


[07:38.26]You hear a noise andpush a button. If youaren't fast enough, thelion catches you!


[07:46.81]I'm faster than all myfriends, but the lionstill catches me.


[07:52.47]There are also rooms ontransport,the environm-ent and space technology,as well as maths,physicsand chemistry.


[08:02.25]You can do a lot ofthings in this museum,but you have to obeysome rules as well.


[08:09.48]For example, you mustn'ttake photos of theexhibits in the museum.


[08:15.40]But you can buypostcards of them in themuseum shops.


[08:20.08]Above all, the ScienceMuseum is free.


[08:25.01]That means11 you can dropin for a few minutes oryou can stay as long asyou like-it's open everyday12, from 10am to 6pm.


[08:36.93]So if you ever go toLondon, make sure youvisit the ScienceMuseum.


[08:43.50]It's my favourite museumin the whole world.


[08:47.84]Unit 3Language in use


[08:55.13]Language practice8 Listen and label13 the  different parts of  the museum.

[09:34.63]语言运用活动8 听录音,标出博物馆      不同的部分。

[10:14.13]WorkbookMODULE 5 Museums

[10:20.90]Listening andpronunciation10 Listen and choose the   best answer.

[12:24.57]11 Listen to the   sentences. Which   sentence sounds more   polite?

[12:35.68]1 No talking in the  library, please.2 No talking in the  library, please.

[12:45.91]Now listen again andrepeat.

[12:50.44]1 No talking in the  library, please.2 No talking in the  library, please.

[13:03.26]Reading, speaking andwriting12 Read the conversation   and check(√)the true   sentences.

[13:17.05]Mike:What part of     the museum is this?Steve:The sign over      the door says,     “Who am I?”

[13:23.20]Mike:“Who am I?”Steve:Yes, that's      the name of this     part of the museum.

[13:27.96]Look, let's read this.It will tell us moreabout it.

[13:32.28]“In this part of themuseum you can discovermore about yourfavouritesubject:yourself.

[13:39.60]Why do we have twoeyes, not one? Why areyour eyes in your head,not your arms or legs?

[13:47.36]Discover the answers tothese questions and manymore.”

[13:51.52]Mike:That soundsinteresting. How didthey know my favouritesubject is myself!

[13:56.86]Steve:Me, too! Look!What's that strangething on the table? Um,it's quite heavy.

[14:04.49]Mike:It's a brain14, Ithink. It's the insideof our head. Don't touchit, Steve. You're notallowed to do that.

[14:12.86]Steve:Yes, you are.You're allowed to toucheverything in theScience Museum.

[14:17.51]Mike:Not everything.Look. I want to try thismachine.

[14:21.82]It says,“Stand in frontof this screen andchange your face so thatit looks older oryounger.”

[14:30.59]Let's try that. I'll gofirst.

[14:33.28]Steve:You always gofirst. You look reallyold. So that's howyou'll look when you're50.

[14:43.71]Mike:I hope not! I hope     I never look like     that.

[14:47.44]Steve:You look like your      mum. I've never      thought of that      before.

[14:51.75]Mike:Very funny. Whydon't you try now? I'dlike to laugh at you.Look.

[14:57.85]The sign under thisbutton heresays,“Change your facefrom a boy to a girl, orfrom a girl to a boy.”

[15:06.17]Steve:All right.      I'll do it.Mike:You look like your     sister.     You really do.

[15:12.05]Steve:Yes, it's true, Ido. This is a greatroom. Let's stay hereall afternoon.

[15:19.43]Mike:We can't do that.Mrs Jones said we mustall meet in the LaunchPad at three o'clock,

[15:25.19]so we've only gotanother 10 minutes.

[15:28.63]Steve:Oh well, maybe wecan come back here.

[15:31.57]Words and expressionsModule 5



[15:39.34]attention/╓'ten╞n/n.注意力pay attention to集中注意力于

[15:42.38]upstairs/╘p'ste╓z/adv.在楼上,向楼上come on 快点sign/sain/n.标志



[15:53.45]hurry up 赶快exhibit/ig'zibit/n.展品unusual/╘n'ju:╜u╓l/adj.不同寻常的

[15:57.55]try out 尝试launch pad/'l╛:nt╞ ,p╗d/发射台physics/'fiziks/n.物理



[16:10.99]travel/'tr╗vl/v.旅行              n.旅行human/'hju:m╓n/n.人类speed/spi:d/n.速度button/'b╘tn/n.按钮

[16:16.30]obey/╓'bei/v.遵守above all 首先drop in 顺便走访as ... as 同……一样

[16:23.50]mathematics/,m╗╙╓'m╗tiks/n.(=maths)数学compact/'k╛mp╗kt/disk CD (光盘)






1 underline wkEwt     
  • Underline all the sentences you do not know.在你不懂的所有句子下面划一条线。
  • Please underline the noun clauses in the passage.请用线画出短文中的名词性从句。
2 sculpture XDpz4     
  • He is skilled in sculpture.他精于雕刻。
  • His sculpture of a horse won first prize.他雕塑的一匹马获得一等奖。
3 familiar Zlix0     
  • I've only just come here.I'm still not familiar with the work.刚到这里,工作很生。
  • The man seemed familiar,but I could not quite place him.这人很面熟,但是我记不清在哪儿见过他。
4 repeat 6VQxI     
  • There will be a repeat of this talk next week.下星期将重播这次讲话。
  • History will not repeat itself.历史不会重演。
5 stress oUbzu     
  • The roof couldn't bear the stress of the snow.屋顶受不了积雪的压力。
  • My parents lay great stress on honesty.我的父母十分注重诚实。
6 underlined cfrz8L     
v.在…下面画线( underline的过去式和过去分词 );加强,强调
  • She underlined her disapproval of the proceedings by walking out. 她退席以表示不赞成这些做法。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • In his speech he underlined several points. 他在讲话中强调了几点。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 launch b29xY     
  • The makers are about to launch out a new product.制造商们马上要生产一种新产品。
  • Would it be wise to launch into this rough sea?在这样汹涌的大海中游泳明智吗?
8 pad 0S2zy     
  • She made a brief note on the telephone pad.她在电话通讯簿上记下简短的话。
  • Each student should have a pencil and pad.每个学生应该有一支铅笔和一个便签本。
9 wheels f13863ed7d6b0224a0046d9646ecd02c     
n.轮子( wheel的名词复数 );旋转;Wheels 汽车;有…轮子的汽车(或自行车等)
  • The wheels sank deeper into the mire. 轮子在泥潭中陷得更深了。
  • The car wheels got stuck in the mud. 汽车轮子陷到泥里去了。
10 explosions 48c247ccb380fe02758e5c304e85bf1c     
爆炸( explosion的名词复数 ); 爆发; 激增; (感情,尤指愤怒的)突然爆发
  • Soon afterwards five explosions were heard from the area. 此后不久从那个地方传来五次爆炸声。
  • They were monitoring the upper air to collect evidence of atomic explosions. 他们正在检测高空空气以收集原子爆炸的证据。
11 means 9oXzBX     
  • That man used artful means to find out secrets.那人使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
  • We must get it done by some means or other.我们总得想办法把它干完。
12 everyday Qnux5     
  • Sweeping the floor is his everyday work.扫地是他的日常工作。
  • He practices speaking English everyday.他每天练习说英语。
13 label d2vxe     
  • The label is on the inner side of the box.标签贴在盒子内侧。
  • He has been given the label of "playboy".他被起了个“花花公子”的绰号。
14 brain TRpyW     
  • The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.大脑需要不断供给血液。
  • Her brain has no room for math.她没有数学头脑。

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