
新标准初中英语第五册--MODULE 9Cartoon stories

时间:2012-12-14 02:41:29




[00:00.00]MODULE 9Cartoon stories


[00:03.78]Unit 1We need someone likeSuperman who can saveTony.


[00:09.84]Listening and vocabulary2 Listen and find out  Betty and Tony's  answers.

[00:39.39]听力和词汇活动2 听录音,找出贝蒂和托尼的答案。

[01:08.94]3 Listen and read.Daming:Oh dear! Where's       the camera?What's       Tony's dad going       to say?

[01:14.78]活动3 听一听,读一读。噢,天呀!照相机在哪儿呢?托尼的爸爸会怎么说呢?

[01:20.62]Betty:This is like      a cartoon story.Lingling:Why?


[01:24.60]Betty:I can imagineevery drawing in thecartoon, and I know whatthe ending will be.


[01:30.59]Daming:The cartoons       I like have lots       of jokes.


[01:33.65]Lingling:But it's no        laughing matter.        This is serious.


[01:38.21]Betty:This isn't one of      those cartoons      which make you      laugh.


[01:41.73]Daming:And the charactersI like are heroeslike Superman1 or Batman.


[01:47.71]Lingling:We need someone         like Superman         who can save         Tony ...


[01:52.23]Mr Jackson:Hello,   I'm looking for Tony.Daming:He's over there!


[01:56.36]Mr Jackson:Could youtell him I'd like tohave a word with him?


[01:59.54]I've got a camera whichhas got his name on it.It was upstairs.


[02:04.68]Daming:That's good news.       Shall I give it       to him?Mr Jackson:OK.       Here you are.


[02:10.81]Betty:Oh, Tony's dad is     going over to speak     to him.


[02:14.96]Daming:If Tony tells hisdad that he's lost thecamera he borrowed,he'll be in deeptrouble.


[02:20.60]Lingling:How can we let   Tony know that we've   got his dad's camera?


[02:24.94]Daming:I know!Let's take       a photo. He'll       see the flash.Betty:That's a smart    idea! Give it to me!


[02:33.74]Lingling:Well, it maynot be very funny, butperhaps it'll be acartoon which has ahappy ending.


[02:40.51]Betty:And I'll be      Superman!(Snap)


[02:43.83]4 Answer the questions.Now listen again andcheck.

[03:33.77]活动4 回答问题,再听一遍录音并榆查。

[04:23.71]Pronunciation andspeaking7 Listen and repeat the  sentences.

[04:27.76]发音和口语活动7 听录音,跟读句子。

[04:31.81]1 This isn't one of  those cartoons/whi╛h  make you laugh.

[04:35.05]1 这不是那种可以让你  发笑的卡通片。

[04:38.29]2 The characters I  like/are heroes like  Superman/or Batman.

[04:42.57]2 我喜欢的角色都是像  超人和蝙蝠侠之类的  人物。

[04:46.86]8 Say the sentences  aloud.Now listen and check.

[04:51.16]活动8 大声朗读句子。听录音并检查。

[04:55.47]1 We need someone like  Superman who can save  Tony.

[04:59.66]1.我们需要一个像超人的  人来拯救托尼。

[05:03.85]2 I've got a camera  which has got his name  on it.

[05:07.21]2.我这里有一架相机,上面  有他的名字。

[05:10.58]Unit 2There are several fanclubs in China whichhave held birthdayparties for Tintin.


[05:18.88]Reading and vocabulary3 Read the passage and  match the words in  Activity 2 with  the cartoons.

[05:23.73]阅读和词汇活动3 阅读文章,将活动2中的单词与卡通搭配起来。

[05:28.58]Cartoon heroesNemo, a cuteorange-and-white fish,


[05:34.69]and Shrek, a huge greenmonster have won thehearts of young peoplein China and all overthe world.


[05:42.54]The heroes of popularcartoons are everywhere,on office desks,handbags, and computerscreens.


[05:50.97]But there are somecartoon favourites whichare older.


[05:55.04]The cartoon of theMonkey King has just hadits“40th birthday”.Called Havoc2 in Heaven,


[06:02.61]it tells the story of amonkey who leads a groupof monkeys against therule of the Emperor inheaven.


[06:10.04]But it is above all thejokes played by themonkey that peopleremember.


[06:15.01]“Havoc in heaven”hasbecome a commonexpression used by aparent

[06:19.71]or a boss when theyreturn to the houseor office and see amess.


[06:24.82]Another favourite whohas celebrated3 animportant birthday inChina


[06:29.29]is a reporter withred hair and a smallwhite dog.


[06:33.65]Tintin has been popularfor 75 years, ever sinceBelgian cartoonistHergé invented thecharacter in 1929.


[06:44.60]His books have beentranslated into morethan 50 languages, andabout 200 million copieshave been sold.


[06:54.29]In December 1984 thewhole series4 of Tintinbegan to be published inChina.


[07:00.92]Many Chinese still keepcollections of theseblack-and-white Tintinbooks.


[07:06.06]There are several fanclubs in China whichhave held birthdayparties for Tintin inBeijing,


[07:12.27]Shanghai, Guangzhou,Nanjing and Wuhan.


[07:17.08]Finally, Snoopy,Charlie Brown's lovabledog who lives in his ownprivate dream world,


[07:23.99]also had his“50thbirthday”celebrated byChina's Snoopy fans in2000.


[07:30.11]“I didn't draw thecartoons only forchildren. Adults whohave experienced5 lifeunderstand them better,”


[07:37.69]said the late CharlesSchultz, creator6 ofSnoopy and the Peanutscartoons.


[07:43.17]Unit 3Language in use


[07:46.89]Language practice6 Work in pairs anddecide on the best orderfor the pictures.Now listen and check.

[08:23.96]语言练习活动6 两从一组,决定图片的最佳顺序。听录音并核对。

[09:01.04]7 Listen again and  answer the questions.

[09:35.45]活动7 再听一次录音,回答问题。

[10:09.87]WorkbookMODULE 9 Cartoon stories

[10:14.86]Listening andpronunciation

[10:17.22]9 Read the sentencesfrom a conversationbetween three studentsplanning a cartoon.

[10:24.98]Choose the best orderfor the sentences.

[10:28.50]Now listen and numberthe sentences in theorder that you hearthem.

[12:19.71]10 Listen to thesentences. Does thespeaker's voice go up ordown at the end?

[12:45.86]Now listen again andrepeat.

[13:07.32]Reading, speaking andwriting

[13:10.44]11 Read the descriptionsof two famous cartoonsand complete thesentences.

[13:18.15]Two famous cartoonsThe Lion KingMufasa, the king of thelions, has a baby soncalled Simba.

[13:28.51]Mufasa has a brother,Scar7, who hates Simbaand his father becausehe wants to be king.

[13:35.86]With the help of somehyenas (土狼),Scar killsMufasa,but very cleverlymakes Simba believe thathe killed his father.

[13:45.41]Simba leaves and goesfar away and Scarbecomes king.

[13:50.62]But as Simbar becomesolder, he understandswhat really happened,and returns home withhis friends.

[13:58.20]He fights Scar andbecomes king of thelions.

[14:02.71]ShrekFarquaad, the ruler of acountry called Duloc,

[14:08.41]decides that all thecharacters from fantasystories must leave thecountry.

[14:13.67]There is a very big,ugly ogre (怪物) calledShrek who lives in aforest

[14:19.52]and all the fantasycharacters hide in hishome, although Shrekdoesn't want them to.

[14:25.98]Shrek visits Farquaad.Farquaad agrees that thefantasy characters cancome back

[14:32.49]if Shrek can find thebeautiful princess thatFarquaad wants to marry.

[14:37.93]Shrek goes to look forthe princess calledFiona.

[14:42.21]He finds her anddiscovers that at nightshe becomes as ugly ashim.

[14:48.50]When Farquaad discoversthat Fiona is ugly, hedoesn't want to marryher.

[14:54.52]The ogre and theprincess marry, and theprincess decides to stayugly all the time forlove!

[15:02.32]Words and expressionsModule 9


[15:08.53]over there 那边word/w╔:d/n.言语have a word with和某人说几句话





[15:23.73]ever since 从……开始Belgian/'belgi╓n/adj.比利时的n.比利时人




[15:38.15]exactly/ig'z╗ktli/adv.恰恰是able/'eibl/adj.有能力的be able to 能够sketch/sket╞/n.草图



1 superman 4hCzS5     
  • He is a superman in physical strength.他在体力上是个超人。
  • He was a successful actor,famous for the Superman films.他是个成功的演员,以“超人”电影而著名。
2 havoc 9eyxY     
  • The earthquake wreaked havoc on the city.地震对这个城市造成了大破坏。
  • This concentration of airborne firepower wrought havoc with the enemy forces.这次机载火力的集中攻击给敌军造成很大破坏。
3 celebrated iwLzpz     
  • He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.不久他就成了英格兰最负盛名的年轻画家之一。
  • The celebrated violinist was mobbed by the audience.观众团团围住了这位著名的小提琴演奏家。
4 series 1zzw1     
  • The students have put forward a series of questions.学生们提出了一系列问题。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
5 experienced ntPz2t     
  • Experienced seamen will advise you about sailing in this weather.有经验的海员会告诉你在这种天气下的航行情况。
  • Perhaps you and I had better change over;you are more experienced.也许我们的工作还是对换一下好,你比我更有经验。
6 creator Vvzz38     
  • He was without doubt the creator of the Roman Empire.毫无疑问,他是罗马帝国的创始人。
  • One creator cannot have two procedures with the same name.一个创建者不能有两个同名过程。
7 scar 5Dhzw     
  • This scar is from the bite of a dog.这是狗咬后留下的伤疤。
  • The tragedy left a scar on her mind.这个悲剧给她造成精神上的创伤。

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