

时间:2013-04-22 05:32:09





Part 1考题总结


Your Work

What work do you do?

Why did you choose to do that kind of work?

Do many people in your country choose to do that type of work?

What are your responsibilities1 at work?

Do you remember your first day at work?

What did you do on your first day at work?

Your Studies

What subject(s) are you studying?

Why did you choose to study that? / Why did you choose to study those subjects?

Do many students in your country study that subject?

(Similar to above) Is that a popular subject to study in your country?

What school/university do you attend?

Why did you choose that school/university?

Your Hometown

Where did you grow up?

What was it like when you were a child?

Has it changed much?

Would you say it was a good place to live?

Your Home (Your Accommodation)

Can you describe the place where you live?

What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?

Are the transport facilities to your home very good?

Please describe the room you live in.

Is there anything you don't like about the place where you live?


What do you do for entertainment?

What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?

What do (other) people do for entertainment around where you live?

(Similar to above) What do you friends do for entertainment?


What types of bags do you use?

What do you put in these bags?

Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?

What sorts of bags do women like to buy?

Do you have a bag for special occasions2?

The Weather

What's the weather like today?

What kind of weather do you like (best)? (Why?)

What sort of weather do you least like?

What do you usually do during your favourite weather (or season)?

What's the weather (usually) like in your hometown?


What do you usually do on weekends (or, on the weekend)?

Do you think employees3 should have to work on weekends?

Are weekends important to you?

How do you (usually) spend the weekend?


Do you like (going) shopping? (Why?/Why not?)

(Similar to above) How do you feel about (going) shopping?

(Similar to above) Do you like to go shopping? (Why?/Why not?)

What do you think is the most difficult (or, unpleasant) part about shopping?

Is there anything you don't like (or, dislike) about shopping?

What don't you like about shopping?


What was your favourite colour when you were a child?

Is that still your favourite colour now?

What colour is most popular among your friends?


What kind of music do you like to listen to?

Have you ever been to a (live) concert?

Or: Do you often go to concerts?

Would you like to go to a concert in the future?

What sorts of concerts do you have in your country?


Who gave you your name?

Does your name have any particular (or, special) meaning?

Do you like your name?

Time Management

How do you organize your time?

Do you think young people and older people organize their time in the same way?

How do you manage your time?


What do you do in your free time with your friends?

Is friendship important to you?

Do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend time alone?

What kind of people do you like to have as friends?

Part 2&3考题总结


A place you live in right now, house or flat?


A person you always talk with?

a magazine you like to read

A wild animal you know

A job you like to do in the future

A famous person you know in your country

A cafe in your hometown

A parent you know

A sport event

A physical experiment

A mathematics4 class you had in the primary school

A product you bought which you were unhappy with

A message you received

A vehicle5 you’d like to buy

An important plant in your country

A neighbor you know

A documentary6 movie you watched

An advertisement

A movie about a real person or event

A perfect vocation7 you had

A project you did with others

A game you played in your childhood

A skill you’ve learn from a family member

A language you’d like to learn

A book you’d like to read again


从本次考试回忆来看难度一般,没有超出我们预测的范围。但是,朗阁海外考试研究中心分析发现,在面对某些Part 2考题时,很多考生只能惆怅叹息,比如描述小学时候上的一节数学课,很多同学迷失在学习内容的描述上,认为很难说。其实,不用特别绞尽脑汁的思考课上学到的点点滴滴,说几个简单的小学数学知识方向就行了,反之,如果你说的特别具体,反而很不真实。雅思考察使用掌控英语的能力,不会在乎你的记忆能力,理解了这一点,最近这种考察的趋势就不会再成为绊脚石。



1 responsibilities 9b5c8e9769cba8dacf202061f494a961     
责任( responsibility的名词复数 ); 职责; 责任感; 责任心
  • the disproportion between the extra responsibilities and the small salary increase 额外的责任与小幅增加的薪金之间的不相称
  • The job encompasses a wide range of responsibilities. 这项工作涉及的职责范围很广。
2 occasions 11557f17371ac4f35f50715ad4a32024     
n.机会( occasion的名词复数 );时刻;原因;需要
  • The prosecution stated that intercourse had occurred on several occasions. 控诉方称发生过数次性交。
  • He has been late on numerous occasions. 他已经迟到过无数次了。
3 employees HtqzrQ     
n.雇工,雇员( employee的名词复数 )
  • She is always polite and considerate towards her employees. 她对待雇员总是客客气气,关心体谅。
  • The company has a strict dress code—all male employees are expected to wear suits. 公司有严格的着装规定—所有男职员都要穿西服。
4 mathematics VBgxK     
  • He has come out in front in the study of mathematics.他在数学方面已名列前茅。
  • She is working at a difficult problem in mathematics.她在做一道数学难题。
5 vehicle zivw0     
  • Air is the vehicle of sound.空气是声音传播的媒介。
  • The power plant burns used vehicle tyres as fuel.这家电厂用废弃轮胎作燃料。
6 documentary wsxx5     
  • This case lacked documentary proof.本案缺少书面证据。
  • I watched a documentary on the Civil War.我看了一部关于内战的纪录片。
7 vocation 8h6wB     
  • She struggled for years to find her true vocation.她多年来苦苦寻找真正适合自己的职业。
  • She felt it was her vocation to minister to the sick.她觉得照料病人是她的天职。