

时间:2013-04-23 02:11:16



考试日期: 2012113
Part 1考题总结
考题总结: Your Work or Your Studies
Do you work or are you a student?
1a) Your Work
What work do you do?
Why did you choose to do that kind of work?
Do many people in your country choose to do that type of work?
What are your responsibilities1 at work?
Do you remember your first day at work?
What did you do on your first day at work?
Did you like your first day at work?
(Similar to above) How did you feel on your first day at work?
Do you think the first day at work is important?
(Similar to above) Do you think a person's first impressions of a new job are important?
1b) Your Studies
What subject(s) are you studying?
Why did you choose to study that? / Why did you choose to study those subjects?
Do many students in your country study that subject?
(Similar to above) Is that a popular subject to study in your country?
What school/university do you attend?
Why did you choose that school/university?
What do you plan to do after you finish your studies?
Your First Day at University
Did you like your first day at university?
(Similar to above) Did you have a good first day at university?
(Similar to above) How did you feel on your first day at university/high school?
Do you think the first day at university is important?
How important do you think it is for people to have an enjoyable first day at university (or, school)?
(Similar to above) Do you think a person's first impressions of a new school or university are important?
Your Hometown
Where did you grow up?
What was it like when you were a child?
Has it changed much?
Would you say it was a good place to live?
Would you say your hometown is a good place for tourists to visit?
What do you like about your hometown?
Your Home (Your Accommodation)
Can you describe the place where you live?
What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?
Are the transport facilities to your home very good?
Please describe the room you live in.
Is there anything you don't like about the place where you live?
What kind of decorations does it have?
How do you think this room could be improved?
What can you see when you look out the window of your room?
How well do you know your neighbors?
What kind of people are your neighbors?
Do you spend much time socializing with your neighbors in your neighbors' homes?
Do you like the environment where you live?
Would you say the place where you live is good for families with children?
In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?
What kind of neighborhood/environment/surroundings would you like to live in?
Mobile2 Phones 
Do people in your country like using mobile phones?
(Similar to above) Are mobile phones very popular in your country?]
Do you have a mobile phone?
Is your cell3 phone important for you in your daily life?
What do you use it for?
How often do you use it?
When did you get it? 
(Similar to above) When did you get your first mobile phone?
How did you get your first mobile phone?
How did you feel when you got your first mobile phone?
What feature (or, function) of your cell phone do you like the best?
Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?
What do you do for entertainment?
What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?
What do (other) people do for entertainment around where you live?
(Similar to above) What do you friends do for entertainment?
What choices for entertainment are there for young people around where you live
Are there any entertainment places near your school?
Have you recently been to any place for entertainment?
Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for leisure4?
The Internet 
Do you often use the internet?
(Similar to above) How often do you use the internet?
What do you use it for?
(Similar to above) What do you do in the internet?
Do you think there are any bad points about (using) the internet?
Have you ever bought anything on the internet?
When did you first start using the internet?
Where did you learn to use the internet?
How did you learn to use the internet?
What do you think is the best way to learn about (or learn how to use) the internet?
Is there anything you don't understand about the internet?
Do you think the internet is a good thing? 
Is there anything that's not so good about (or, on) the internet?
Do you think the use of the internet needs to be controlled?
Is the internet very popular in China?
What kinds of people most often use the internet?
What age group of people most often use the internet?
How can people best make use of the internet?
In general, what impact5 does the internet have on people's lives?
How can people learn things on the internet?
What sorts of things can people learn on the internet?
What do you think are the benefits6 of "e-learning"?
Do you like dancing?
When do people in your country dance?
Do young people in your country like old-style dancing (or, traditional dancing)?
Have you ever learned7 to dance?
When was the last time you danced?
Why do you think some (or, many) people like dancing?
Do you think there are any benefits for young people to go dancing?
When do Chinese people like to dance?
Does China have any traditional dances?
Is traditional dance still popular today in China? (Why?/Why not?)
Is there much difference between traditional dancing and modern dancing? (What?)
What kinds of dancing are popular with young people in China?
Do old people in China like the same kind of dancing as young people? (Why?/Why not?)
What do you think is the influence of dance on society?
Do you like to watch dance performances?
(Similar to above) How do you feel when you watch dance performances on TV?
Do you ever receive letters or cards?
(Similar to above) Do you receive many letters or cards?
Do you like to write cards?
Do you often write cards or letters?
Who do you usually write to and what do you write about?
Is it hard to think of what to write?
How do you feel when you receive cards or letters? 
Do you often visit museums?
(Similar to above) How often do you visit museums?
Do you think museums are important?
Are there any museums or art galleries in your hometown?
Have you ever visited any of these art galleries or museums?
How often do you museums and art galleries?
Did you ever go to art galleries or museums when you were a child?
Would you recommend8 that schools take their students to visit museums?
Do people in China like visiting museums and art galleries?
Do you think people can learn anything from art galleries and museums?
What do you think is the role of museums and art galleries?
Do you think going to museums and art galleries is beneficial9 for children?
Do schools in China have excursions10 to museums?
Do you think teachers should take their students on visits to museums? 
What types of bags do you use?
What do you put in these bags?
Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?
What sorts of bags do women like to buy?
When you are buying a bag, what factors11 do you consider?
(Similar to above) How do you make your choice when you are buying a bag?
Do you think the style of a bag is very important?
Do you have a bag for special occasions12
The Weather
What's the weather like today?
What kind of weather do you like (best)? (Why?)
What sort of weather do you like least?
What do you usually do during your favourite weather (or season)?
What's the weather (usually) like in your hometown?
Do you like that weather (or, that kind of climate)?
How often is the weather good in your hometown?
What did you do the last time the weather was good?
Are there any bad points about the weather in your city?
Have there been any changes in the weather over the past few years?
Does the weather ever affect what you do?
A Healthy Lifestyle
What do you do to keep healthy?
(Similar to above) How do people maintain13 good health?
What would you say is a "healthy lifestyle"?
Is there any sport that you would like to try in the future? 
What do you usually do on weekends (or, on the weekend)?
Do you think employees14 should have to work on weekends?
Are weekends important to you?
How do you (usually) spend the weekend?
(Similar to above) What do you like to do on weekends?
Which do you prefer, Saturday or Sunday? (Why?)
What do you usually do on that day?
Are your weekends today more interesting than your weekends were when you were a child?
What are you going to do next weekend?
Would you say weekends are important to people?
How does the average person in China spend his or her weekend?
Do children (or, young people) today spend their weekends differently to children (or, young people) in the past? 
Do you like (going) shopping? (Why?/Why not?)
(Similar to above) How do you feel about (going) shopping?
(Similar to above) Do you like to go shopping? (Why?/Why not?)
What do you think is the most difficult (or, unpleasant) part about shopping?
Is there anything you don't like (or, dislike) about shopping?
What don't you like about shopping?
Do you prefer to buy things yourself or to have your parents buy things for you?
Do you often go shopping?
(Similar to above) How often do you go shopping?
(Similar to above) How often do you buy something (in a shop)?
Do you prefer shopping alone or with others?
Who do you (usually) go shopping with?
Do you prefer to go shopping with family members or with friends?
What do you usually buy when you go shopping?
When was the last time you went shopping? (Include what you bought.)
What did you buy?
What was the most recent thing you bought? (Include when)
What are the most fashionable15 things to buy?
When do you prefer to go shopping?
Do you have a regular time to go shopping?
Which day of the week do you usually go shopping?
Do you like to go window-shopping? (Why?/Why not?)
When was the last time you went shopping?
In what ways do you think people's present and past shopping habits are different?
Do you think it's important what clothes a person wears? (Why?/Why not?)
Is it important what clothes you wear at your job? (your company)
Do you think the clothes a person wears leaves an impression on others?
What kinds/styles of clothes do you like (or, prefer) to wear? (Why?)
Do you wear the same clothes both at work and after work?
Do you wear the same kinds of clothes in winter and summer?
Do your friends have the same tastes in clothes as you?
Do your friends wear the same kinds of clothes as you?
What kinds of (or, style of) clothes do people in your country like to wear?
Do you like sport?
Did you play any sport when you were a child?
What sports do young people like to do?
What sports do you think are suitable16 for children to play?
Do old people and young people like to do the same sports?
What sports do old people like to do?
Is there any sport that you have never played that you would like to try?
Do you ever do any exercise to keep fit or healthy?
Do you think everybody should do some exercise? (Why?)
Do you think exercise is beneficial for older people?
What do you think are the benefits of exercise?
Do you like flowers?
Do you prefer (to see) flowers indoors17 or outdoors?
(Similar to above) Which do you think is better, to grow flowers indoors or outdoors?
Do any flowers have any special meaning in your country?
(Possible question) Do you like plastic flowers? 
Do you like flowers?
What flowers do you like? (Why?)
Do you think flowers are important?
(Similar to above) Are flowers important in your country/culture?
Do any flowers have any special meaning in your country?
Do people in your country ever use flowers for special occasions?
(Similar to above) On what occasions do people in your country give flowers to other people?
In your country, do people (ever) give flowers as a gift?
On what occasions do people in your country give flowers to other people?
When was the last time you gave flowers to someone?
Do you have many relatives?
When you were a child, which of your relatives did you see most often?
(Similar to above) When you were a child, which of your relatives did you spend the most time with?
When you were a child, did you play more with your friends or with your relatives?
In the future, do you think you will have more opportunities to see your relatives
Who do you feel is the most important member of your family? 
What was your favourite colour when you were a child?
Is that still your favourite colour now?
What colour is most popular among your friends?
If you were to change the colour of your bedroom walls, what colour would you choose?
What's your favourite colour? 
(Similar to above) Are there any colours that you especially like?
Are colours important to you?



1 responsibilities 9b5c8e9769cba8dacf202061f494a961     
责任( responsibility的名词复数 ); 职责; 责任感; 责任心
  • the disproportion between the extra responsibilities and the small salary increase 额外的责任与小幅增加的薪金之间的不相称
  • The job encompasses a wide range of responsibilities. 这项工作涉及的职责范围很广。
2 mobile l6dzu     
  • The old lady sits on a mobile chair every morning.那位老妇人每天上午坐在一把可携带使用的椅子上。
  • She's much more mobile now that she's bought a car.自从她买了汽车后,活动量就大多了。
3 cell mUyyp     
  • Soap destroys the cell walls of bacteria.肥皂破坏细菌的细胞壁。
  • They have locked the prisoners up in their cell.他们已把犯人监禁在小牢房里。
4 leisure w1Nxb     
  • I am seldom at leisure.我很少有空。
  • He read books at his leisure.他在空闲时读一些书。
5 impact Ganx3     
  • The computer had made a great impact on modern life.计算机对现代生活产生了巨大的影响.
  • How will the war impact on such a poet?战争对这样一个诗人会产生什么影响?
6 benefits 79da17fa16c14866aa3306a4541afec5     
n.津贴费;利益( benefit的名词复数 );(给职工的)奖金;救济金;益处
  • economic benefits accruing to the country from tourism 旅游业为该国带来的经济效益
  • The article enthused about the benefits that the new system would bring. 本文热情赞扬了新制度将带来的好处。
7 learned m1oxn     
  • He went into a rage when he learned about it.他听到这事后勃然大怒。
  • In this little village,he passed for a learned man.在这个小村子里,他被视为有学问的人。
8 recommend btfyK     
  • Can you recommend me a good book?你能给我介绍一本好书吗?
  • I can recommend this play to all lovers of good theatre.我把这个剧推荐给所有爱好优秀戏剧的人。
9 beneficial dQgyB     
  • I hope your holiday will be beneficial to you.我希望你的假期会对你有益。
  • Sunshine is beneficial to plants.阳光对植物有益。
10 excursions 80eec90a0af9147efc3dc3e7fc535fed     
n.(尤指集体)远足( excursion的名词复数 );短途旅行;(短期的)涉足;离题
  • The few excursions into stylistic experiment do not entirely come off. 几次体裁上的尝试都不算很成功。 来自辞典例句
  • But these excursions were a nothing to Sally's. 可是艾莱柯的这些花样在萨利看来没有一点意思。 来自英汉文学 - 三万元遗产
11 factors c6b7ed918ad52b0b075a928a0d40dcc6     
因素( factor的名词复数 ); 因子; (增或减的)数量; 系数
  • Several factors have been adduced to explain the fall in the birth rate. 有几个因素已被援引来说明出生率降低的原因。
  • a confluence of social factors 多种社会因素的汇集
12 occasions 11557f17371ac4f35f50715ad4a32024     
n.机会( occasion的名词复数 );时刻;原因;需要
  • The prosecution stated that intercourse had occurred on several occasions. 控诉方称发生过数次性交。
  • He has been late on numerous occasions. 他已经迟到过无数次了。
13 maintain d8hzP     
  • He has to maintain a large family on a small salary.他不得不依靠很少的工资养活一家人。
  • We must do our best to maintain sales at their usual rate.我们要尽力使销售额保持在平日的水平上。
14 employees HtqzrQ     
n.雇工,雇员( employee的名词复数 )
  • She is always polite and considerate towards her employees. 她对待雇员总是客客气气,关心体谅。
  • The company has a strict dress code—all male employees are expected to wear suits. 公司有严格的着装规定—所有男职员都要穿西服。
15 fashionable JlGxP     
  • She is moving in fashionable circles in New York.她活动于纽约上流社会之中。
  • We lunched in a fashionable restaurant.我们在一家上等的饭店吃午餐。
16 suitable QUnzl     
  • Tomorrow will be quite suitable.明天挺合适。
  • Is she suitable for the job?她适于做这工作吗?
17 indoors q7Mxv     
  • Because of the coldness of the weather we stayed indoors.我们因天气寒冷呆在家里。
  • It is very cold outside,you'd better come indoors across the board.外面很冷,你们所有人最好都进屋。