

时间:2013-04-23 02:35:19


考试日期 2012年10月20日
总体评析 § 一新:section 4 
§ 三旧:section 1&2&3
重点关注 § 注意整个section选择题型
§ 配对题比重加大
趋势预测 旧题出现的可能较大
重点看一下V08***, V09***
Section 1 版本号 场景 题型
V09134 S1 House Renting Completion
一句话简介 在悉尼租房
详细回忆 1-10填空题: 
1. work phone number: 46*****
2. Come from: Somerton West
3. Total members: two adults, a child almost 3 years old
4. Type of accommodation: flat
5. Location: in the North
6. What’s your extra request: close to a park
7. Need a pool
8. Rent: she wants to pay the maximum $650
9. Date to move in: 15th December
10. Need to book a hotel
重点词汇及扩展 回顾租房场景相关词汇 
Section 2 版本号 场景 题型
V110226 S2 Volunteer Multiple1 Choice / Matching
一句话简介 介绍志愿者活动
详细回忆 11-16单项选择题: 
11. 现在的志愿者情况?选:C. from a wide range of backgrounds
12. 选:B. encouraged by…
13. Henry enjoy, 选:B. take care of the kids
14. Reith, 选:prepare meal for others
15. Reith enjoy, 选:A. sharing opinions with other volunteers
16. Advantages of being a “virtual volunteer”? 选:C. no longer need to leave
17-20配对题:Process for application:
17. email personal information to…
18. 准备几个问题,prepare several interviewing questions
19. 和其他志愿者会面,meet other potential volunteers
20. 提交正式申请,submit/file a formal application
重点词汇及扩展 多关注国外各种志愿者活动介绍,积累信息 
Section 3 版本号 场景 题型
V101014 S3 Discussion2 Completion / Matching
一句话简介 讨论调查结果
详细回忆 21-26填空题: 
21. Find the name list and materials from the phone book and then get the trust from the elderly people.
22. For preparation: identify suitable topics for the participants.
23. Develop trust to get the acceptance3 of the manager.
24. Explain the purpose.
25. May record the process.
26. Need to make a film.
27-30配对题:A: relatives B: museum C: antique4 shop
D: Participant E: internet F: market
27. photo, 选:D. participant
28. home project, 选:A. relatives
29. cloth, 选:B. museum
30. toy, 选:E. internet
重点词汇及扩展 补充有关调查研究的单词 
Section 4 版本号 场景 题型
New Environment Completion
一句话简介 气候与建筑
详细回忆 31-40填空题: 
31. cities
32. temperature
33. stone
34. wood
35. glass
36. soil
37. rainfall
38. bank
39. movement
40. guideline
重点词汇及扩展 补充环保话题相关词汇



1 multiple kFCxf     
  • The number 8 is a multiple of 4.八是四的倍数。
  • The most common multiple births are twins,two babies born at the same time.最常见的多胎是双胞胎,两个婴儿同时出生。
2 discussion 2PBzj     
  • It is certain he will come to the discussion.他肯定会来参加讨论。
  • After months of discussion,a peace agreement is gradually taking shape.经过几个月的商讨,和平协议渐渐有了眉目。
3 acceptance hJvyz     
  • The new laws gained widespread acceptance.新法令受到广泛赞同。
  • It took years for Einstein's theory to gain acceptance.爱因斯坦的理论经过多年才被人们接受。
4 antique cNCzc     
  • The Sunday antique market is a happy hunting ground for collectors.周日的古董市场是收藏家的淘物乐园。
  • I saw the vase in the window of an antique shop.我在一家古玩店的橱窗里看见了这个花瓶。