

时间:2006-06-18 16:00:00



  accept 接纳

  acceptance 承兑

  accepted draft/bill 已承兑汇票

  acceptor 承兑人

  account 科目,帐户

  account for 说明

  account sales 承销清单

  accounting equation 会计等式

  accrued basis 应计基础

  accrued income 应计收益

  accumulated fund 累积基金

  actual cost 实际成本

  adjustment 调整

  allocation 分配

  application and allotment 申请及分配

  apportionment 分摊

  appropriation account 盈余分拨帐

  articles of association 组织章程

  assets 资产

  authorised capital 法定股本

  autopay 自动转帐

  bad debts 呆帐

  balance brought down 余额承上

  balance brought forward 余额承前

  balance carried down 余额转下

  balance sheet 资产负债表

  bank reconciliation statement 银行往来调节表

  bill of exchange, draft 汇票

  bill payable 应付票据

  bill receivable 应收票据

  book of original entry 原始分录簿

  bookkeeping 簿记

  business entity 企业个体
