

时间:2006-06-18 16:00:00


  hire purchase 租购

  hirer 租购公司

  historical cost 历史成本

  holder 持票人

  honour the bill of exchange 结算票据

  impersonal account 非人名帐户

  imprest system 定额制度

  income determination 损益计算

  indirect expenses 间接费用

  indirect material 间接原料

  indirect wages 间接工资

  interest account method 利息帐法

  interest suspense account method 预计利息帐法

  invoice 发票

  issued at par 平价发行

  issued at premium 溢价发行

  issued capital 已发行股本

  joint 共同

  joint venture 短期合营

  joint venture account 短期合营帐

  journal 日记簿

  ledger 分类帐

  legal person 法人

  liabilities 负债

  liquidity ratio 速动比率

  long-term liabilities 长期负债

  manufacturing account 制造成本会计

  margin 毛利率

  mark-up 加成

  match 配比

  materiality 重点钜数

  memorandum 备忘

  memorandum joint venture account 短期合营备忘帐

  memorandum of association 组织大纲

  minority balance 少量余额

  monthly statement 月结单
