聆听悦耳英音53:Queen Matilda II 欧洲王族轶事 (1)
时间:2013-12-17 06:05:38
嘉宾:Debbie Mason
话题:Queen Matilda II 欧洲王族轶事
1、Chronicles:written records编年史
3、Dramatic:a lot of things happened
1、She took after her father:She resembled her father
2、Didn’t go down so well:It’s not popular
3、Her new capacity:her new role or position
4、Rose up against her:fought against her.
1、What had the Londoners had enough of?
2、Where was Matilda preparing for her coronation?
3、What was Matilda doing when the Londoners rose up against her?
1、The Londoners had had enough of personal hostility against her, the woman’s asking for money.
2、Matilda was preparing for her coronation at Westminster .
3、Matilda was preparing in Westminster when the Londoners rose up against her, she left the feast uneaten with her
tenure2, jumped the horses and she never got close to the coronation again.