

时间:2006-08-17 16:00:00


中文 英文 缩写
闭合用户群 Closed User Group CUG
闭塞出 outgoing blocked
闭塞解除信号 UnBLocking signal UBL
闭塞入 incoming blocked
闭塞信号 BLOcking signal BLO
闭塞证实信号 BLocking Acknowledgement signal BLA
闭锁出局国际呼叫 Barring of Outgoing International Call BOIC
闭锁除直接到归属PLMN国家外国际呼叫 barring of outgoing international calls except those direct to the home PLMN
闭锁全部输出呼叫(除归属国外) barring all outgoing calls (except home country)
闭锁所有国际呼出业务 Barring of all Outgoing International Calls BOIC
闭锁所有呼出业务/闭锁全部去话 Barring of All Outgoing Calls BAOC
闭锁所有呼入业务/闭锁全部来话 Barring of All Incoming Calls BAIC
闭锁用户线 block subscriber line/close subscriber line
壁挂式 wall-mounted
避雷针 lightning arrester
边带滤波 sideband filter
边界关口 Border Gateway BG
边界网关协议 Border Gateway Protocol BGP
边模抑制比 Side Mode Suppression Ratio SMSR
边信息 side information
边缘交换单元 Edge Switch ES
