中文 | 英文 | 缩写 |
标准插座 | Registered Jack | RJ |
标准发送顺序 | normal sending sequence | |
标准件 | standard component | |
标准接口适配器 | Standard Interface Adapter | SIA |
标准连接器 | canon type connector | |
标准模块区 | standard module area | |
标准清晰度电视 | Standard Definition TV | SDTV |
标准通用标记语言 | Standard Generalized Markup Language | SGML |
表面安装部件 | surface mounted assembly | |
表面安装技术 | Surface Mount Technology | SMT |
表面电荷 | surface charge | |
表面涂层 | surface coating process | |
表示层 | presentation layer | |
表示函数 | Presentation Function | PF |
表示媒体 | presentation medium | |
表示上下文 | presentation context | |
别名 | alias | |
并/串变换 | Parallel/Serial conversion | P/S |
并串变换器 | parallel to serial converter | |
并发登录 | concurrent login | |
并柜 | combined cabinets | |
并行处理 | parallel processing | |
并行服务器 | parallel server | |
并行输入 | parallel in | |
拨动开关/乒乓开关 | toggle switch | |
拨号 | dial | |
拨号不全 | incomplete dialing | |
拨号程序(上网) | dial-up program | |
拨号间隔超时/数位间超时 | interdigit timeout | |
拨号接入码 | dial access code | |
拨号接入系统 | dial-in access system | |
拨号脉冲话机 | dial pulse telephone set | |
拨号盘脉冲 | Dial Pulse | DP |
拨号前时间监视 | pre-dialing time supervision | |
拨号网络 | dial-up network | |
拨号未完挂机 | withdrawal of a call | |
拨号音 | dialing tone | |
拨号音不断(拨号后) | non-stop dial tone | |
拨号字冠 | dialing prefix |