中文 | 英文 | 缩写 |
超高速数字用户线路 | Very-high-data-rate Digital Subscriber Line | VDSL |
超级卡 | hypercard | |
超级链 | hyperlink | |
超宽带 | ultra-broadband | |
超媒体 | hypermedia | |
超密集波分复用 | Ultra Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing | UDWDM |
超前角 | advance angle | |
超柔电缆 | super soft cable | |
超时 | time-out | |
超时无回应 | time-out no-response | |
超时延 | excessive delay | |
超视距 | over the horizon | |
超视距通信 | over-the-horizon communication | |
超文本标识语言 | Hyper Text Markup Language | HTML |
超文本传送协议 | HyperText Transfer Protocol | HTTP |
超信道 | ultra channel | |
超载容量/过载容量/过载能力 | overload capacity | |
超帧 | hyperframe/superframe | |
超准同步数字系列 | Super Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy | SPDH |
车内贯穿损耗 | in-vehicle breakthrough loss | |
沉头螺钉 | sunk screw | |
衬板 | lining board | |
成反比 | in inverse proportion to/inversely proportional to | |
成批 | in BATches | BAT |
成套 | complete set | |
成套电缆 | cable set | |
成套配件 | adaptation kit | |
成套资料 | a suite of documents | |
成型泡沫 | contoured foam | |
成帧 | framing | |
成帧器 | framer | |
成组发码 | en bloc transmission | |
承诺的信息速率 | Committed Information Rate | CIR |
承载电路 | bearer circuit | |
承载能力标示单元 | Bearer Capability Identity Element | BCIE |
承载通路分配 | bearer channel distribution | |
承载通路连接 | Bearer Channel Connection | BCC |
承载信道 | bearer channel/B channel | |
承载业务 | bearer service | |
承重能力 | weight capacity | |
城域网 | Metropolitan Area Network | MAN |
程控交换设备 | SPC (Stored Program Control) switch/switching equipment | |
程序编译 | program compilation | |
程序敏感故障 | programme-sensitive fault | |
程序设计语言 | programming language | |
程序识别码 | Program IDentification | PID |
迟接 | delayed completion | |
迟接呼叫/广播呼叫/挂号呼叫 | booked call | |
迟接业务 | delay service |