英语听力:2013-08-16 流言终结者 第11季 第8集 完全爆炸手册—7
时间:2014-02-17 07:51:20
That was beautiful.
That's a good explosion right there.
Yep. Explosion number 755, a perfect example of the
rapport1 of C4.
I bet my family's glad they let me borrow that china.
Next in the A to Z, it's F, for food, glorious food.
Now that you can tell by the fact that we have to put a sign like this on our refrigerator, "Mythbusters" and food have a very odd history. Now sometimes we eat food. Sometimes we blow food up.
First, it was beans that went ballistic.
This has "Bean" the funniest day.
Next, steaks were set to sizzle.
With meat and high explosives.
Then came
popcorn2, watermelons, and wine.
Now that's a party!
But all of these food flare-ups do have one thing in common.
All the food that's destroyed on "Mythbusters" is way past its sell-by date and is not fit for human consumption.
Next up is something that puts the G in
gee3 whiz.
Over the years we've done a number of episodes using this. Then come to understand, that they are in fact no joke.
Testing the blast wave of a hand grenade. In three, two, one -- fire. Wow, that was
That was energetic.