英语听力:2013-08-23 《流言终结者》 第11季 第8集 完全爆炸手册—10
时间:2014-02-17 07:53:07
It’s the Mythbusters’ A to Z of explosions. And following H for high-speed, I is for implants1?
You know, when I get the
memo2 that we are going to be revisiting implants, this is the last thing I have pictures.
Yeah, me too. But you know, we’re here to reminisce, so let’s reminisce. Exploding implants was one of the first explosive stories we ever did. Adam and Jamie tested whether breast implants would explode on a pressurized airplane. And did they?
Well, in a word—no.
Alright, shall we take it up to, let’s say, 30,000 feet?
In what must have been the first time that men were ever disappointed with implants, their padded pockets failed to blow.
I didn’t really notice any difference at all.
But the Mythbusters did learn an important lesson.
Adam, how are they doing? Are they getting bigger?
My breasts are expanding. Repeat: breasts are expanding.
You don’t always need a blast to have a blast.
Oh, god!
Next up, it’s back to the bomb range where J is for J.D..
What I think you need is the Mythbusters’
concerto3 C4.
Hi, J.D.. This is for you.
It’s a true honorary Mythbusters.
Ok, the question is you want to do like a
surgical7 kind of an entry around the lock or just blow the crap out of it?
Blow the crap out of it.
Ok. Let’s blow the crap out of it.
But who exactly is he?
All in all, it’s just another brick in the wall.
And does he have the coolest job in the world?