英语听力:2013-08-28 《流言终结者》 第11季 第8集 完全爆炸手册—12
时间:2014-02-17 07:55:07
So we are going to do a little test. We’re going to turn on the lawn mower1 and use this DB meter to find out exactly how loud it is. Then we’re gonna get a pound of C4, put the lawn mower on top of it, blow it up and find out how loud the boom is.
Because actions speaker louder than words, Grant fires her up and Kari gets a reading at ground zero.
We have about 90.
And then again, 100 feet away.
What do you got?
We’re sticking at about 40. It’s not even louder than the ambient noise around here.
So with the baselines in the bag, the bomb techs
brace2 for the boom. But how will C4’s crack compare?
Ok, Kari Byron. Are you ready?
I’m ready.
Ok, let’s do this.
This is L is for loud in three, two, one—fire!
It sure was a roar. But as for data, well, the near mic got maimed and the far one maxed out.
That was loud.
In fact, it was so loud, maxed out the meter.
Yeah, I had a feeling that was going to happen.
Meaning all we know is that the dim was at least 130 db, making it louder than the blast of a jet. Meanwhile, as Kari is about to confirm, M is for movies.
M is for movies.
What does that have to do with explosions?
We can’t do a Mythbuster A to Z explosions without taking movie to the test, because there is one thing we learn about Mythbuster that Hollywood will always choose style over substance.
Yeah, you know there are still so many classic mistakes that Hollywood make.
Like cars going over cliffs always explode?
That’s negative on the explosion.
Reality makes a crappy special effects crew.