英语听力:2013-09-11 《流言终结者》 第11季 第8集 完全爆炸手册—18
时间:2014-02-17 08:00:53
Now for a completely gratuitous1 explosion underground. In three, two, one. Well, that was a nice little thud.
B was for bomb range. A was for
audit2. N was for nothing. (Fire!) And G was for grenade. Put them together and what do you get? (Fire!) And the bangs continue right now.
Alright, now I know all of this looks like a lot of automotive junk, but it is actually what’s left over from a car we explode.
So I’m guessing V is for vehicle.
Exactly. Now we have probably totaled around 130 vehicles on this show. A lot of them we’ve crashed. Some we’ve destroyed with the rocket slide of New Mexico Tech. But a lot of them we’ve blown up.
So we roll the montage.
Indeed we shall.
Next up is W, a letter that’s all about H2O. Water and explosives are a particularly good mix for Mythbusters for two reasons. First, water and air have very different properties. For example, water is incompressible. It’s
denser3 than air. It’s more conductive. And all of this means that explosions travel differently through water than they do through air.
Indeed. By being incompressible, (Go for it.) water is a great way to help crack a safe.